MovieChat Forums > Simon Pegg Discussion > Why so many negitive comments?????

Why so many negitive comments?????

He is so awesome! I don't understand how he could have so many haters =/


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Anybody who is popular is gonna have haters. It's some flaw in the human psyche, this desire to tell people: You're just wrong, and I'm here to tell you why. Simon Pegg rocks!


Him telling anyone who didn't think Star Trek Into Darkness was brilliant to go *beep* off probably doesn't help his cause.


Posted to the wrong thread originally. Oops - sorry ' bout that.

Every day intelligent people are dragged into ping-pong posting with a simpleton.


Star Wars comments didn't help either.

I am what I am and I'll do what I want


Because he started out making witty observant comedies like Big Train and Spaced, then made a cracking film- Shaun of the Dead, and has ended up being the token 'funny Brit" in mindless blockbusters like Mission: Impossible, and fronting utterly abysmal dross like 'Absolutely Anything.



Hating the Star Wars prequels is hardly a controversial stance. Everyone born before 1990 hates them.


Lol, not really. That would be like saying that everyone born after 1990 loves them, which is also not true,.
