MovieChat Forums > Molly Parker Discussion > How Come There Aren't Any 'Deadwood' Fan...

How Come There Aren't Any 'Deadwood' Fans On These Threads?

For the past two years (2004 & 2005), Molly Parker has been playing "Alma Garret" on the critically acclaimed HBO series, "Deadwood." If memory serves me right, she was nominated for an Emmy Award, last year, for her role. By Jove, I think she's going to finally win it, this year! So, ALL you Molly Parker fans, out there (that includes YOU, iam uncool), call up your cable companies and order HBO. If you can't do that, find a friend who subscribes to HBO, and ask them to tape it for you. "Deadwood" has been called "the BEST, most ORIGINAL series on television."

In the meantime, follow this link to the show's website:

I'm the bad guy? How'd that happen?
Michael Douglas ("D-FENS"), in "Falling Down"


well number one its a rip off to waste good $$$ on bogus cable tv shows like deadwood where ive been told they use the F word like every five seconds that gets really old and offensive, same thing with that italiano mobster show the altos or whatever its called ...etc. haven't seen it?

