I watch Liam Neeson, who was a decent actor back in the day, and his switch to the action film stardom - which is utter BS and I'm thinking - what a wasted potential. He was a great dramatic actor, who turned into an action film star - with some of the crappiest scripts ever written (the first taken was decent - everything that followed though.... a very, very sad affair).
Clive Owen took and continue to take on roles which challenge him. It also seems like he actually reads the scripts before accepting the roles.
I don't think he makes as much money as he could have had he taken the marvel superhero route or Liam Neeson's action film path into abyss, but he kept his integrity - the films he stars in range from great to just OK, but they are never absolute stinkers. When I think of new marvel movie coming out or a new Liam Neeson film, I immediately think it's gonna be a stinker (despite kiddos buying it up), but when I think of Clive Owen movie coming out, I expect it will be anywhere from great to OK.
Your advice would have led him towards the stinkers.