MovieChat Forums > Elizabeth Olsen Discussion > Really left her sisters in the dust....

Really left her sisters in the dust....

I did not know she was the sister of those twins. Dunno why they are famous really, besides Full House.. you know, back in another millenium. All they have played in now is small *beep* roles. This one though, hollywood fasttrack.


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um, yeah the twins are very recognizable and worth over a hundred million dollars with the money they made as child actors and now with their fashion businesses. their little sis is just starting out and definitely not in the same league. Maybe someday but right now they still reign supreme. i think one of them is married to a billionaire to boot. when you got all that, who needs silly acting roles?


Sorry, not something people here in Europe are aware of.. they are basically nobodys here. Elizabeth though, just about everyone knows who she is. So i'm not saying I don't believe you, i'm just saying it doesn't matter :) In the way of being famous, worldwide. How much money they made of a crappy show back in the nineties doesn't matter. Their fashion business, doesn't matter. I'm sure they have cash up the wazoo, but it doesn't help.


LMAO Where in Europe do you live? Full House still airs in European countries and the twins are STILL known from it and literally nobody knows who Elizabeth is. What a deluded freako


Since she's been in several movies that have made billions worldwide, it's safe to say quite a few people know who she is.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


only Marvel fans would actually care to remember her name, the general public outside the US doesn't know who she is


Movies don't make billions without the general public going to see them...and again, "worldwide," not just in the U.S.

"Marvel fans," as in people that watch Marvel films, includes most of the movie-going world by now.

If the best point of comparison is Full House re-runs, then Elizabeth has a hell of alot more viewers/fans.

+++by His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5+++


You can stay deluded, and considering your signature I see you do a great job at that
