Huge Hypocrite

He acts like a family values conservative and military supporter when he adopted a 17-year-old girl in 1978 so he could have sex with her, admitted to being with numerous underage girls, avoided the Vietnam draft by not washing for 2 weeks and crapping in his pants to fail the physical, wrote a song called Jailbait about his love for underage girls.


And now a year later that Florida school murder supporter shit.("Cat Scratch Fever", still reasonably decent though.)


Damn funny. This beauty of a line is another poster child for why we need a like button 👍.


Funny thing though, Cat Scratch Fever is also about jailbait.


In other words a real role model for Republicans.


Fake News from LibTards!

He made up a draft story for High Times because they were fucking hippies.

He never claimed sex with underage girls. 17 is not underage unless you live in LibTardia.




Obviously you didn’t click on the links here.


That snopes article doesn’t say it’s a false story. It proves that he lies. He said that he lied in the first article. Who knows if THAT’S the truth or not?

The politifact article doesn’t exonerated him either. Ted says himself that he had sex with under age girls in this article. The article claims to be half true The statement is partially accurate but Could it be proven as a matter of fact? Probably not without an investigation.


Fake news from conTards as proven by thier own link.
Got called . didnt go = draft dodger.

“Unbelievable. Meth,” he replies, in a tone of deep sarcasm. “Yes, that’s my drug of choice. You’ve got to realise that these interviewers would arrive with glazed eyes and I would make stories up. I never did crystal meth. And I never pooped my pants.”

“But you did dodge the draft.”

“I had a 1Y [student deferment]. I enrolled at Oakland Community College.”

“You said then that you wanted ‘to teach the stupid bastards in the military a lesson’. I’d have thought you’d have loved the army. Guns. Travel. Danger.”

“Back then, I didn’t even understand what World War II was.”

“So basically,” — I admit that I have, unaccountably, started to speak Nugent — “you didn’t want to get your Michigan ass blown off in Vietnam.”

“Correct. I did not want to get my ass blown off in Vietnam.”
