I saw inception yesterday man what a piece of shit actually boring and crap wonder why people literally worship nolan his films are garbage .Believe me I had to watch sucker punch and man of steel too get relief after that horrific film name inception.
Snyder is truly the best .
Snyder>>>>> Nolan
once again you trolled yourself into a corner where the only possible explanation is....YOU ARE DUMB
first Inception is a universally praised film with a near 88% consensus that its great, that Literally means around 88% of the people that have watched the film come away thinking they just watched a good to great film...
but No film is ever 100% loved, Inception like any other film has a small minority that dont like it.
there is absolutely nothing wrong with your opinion that you dont like Inception
there problem is, by trying to troll, You took your perfectly fine opinion and PUSHED it to point where you have to BE DUMB just because you wanted to exaggerate
the second you brought Snyder's Sucker Punch into it..you literally Isolated yourself into a TINY, almost non existent minority...
the second you claimed you watched BOTH Sucker Punch and Inception.....and have the opinion, Sucker Punch is Better!
Its was over for you, that statement is a trolling mistake....simply put, that statement took from a 10-12% small minority that didnt like Inception....to A less than 1% non existent minority that believes SP in better than Inception...
lol look its ok not to like Inception, but Sucker Punch is so awful, saying SP is better than Inception Literally backs you into a corner where the only possible explanation is YOU ARE DUMB
and then astonishingly, you just had to put the finally nail in your coffin with one final trolling disaster....claiming Snyder is better than Nolan....
again everyone is entitled to their own opinions....but unfortunately for you ....Snyder vs Nolan just isnt something you can argue...
Nolan's career and films are so much better than Snyder's theres simply no way you can actually say Snyder is better than Nolan...Its just not a factual or even believable
the best you could do is say something like "Snyder is my favorite director, I know his films and career arent as praised as Nolan's, but for me personally, I like snyders style more"
the difference between Snyder and Nolan's is astonishing Great.....Its not possible to actually claim Snyder is better....
You would literally have to Specifically NOTE "This is just my opinion"...."I'm not comparing career's because I recognize Nolan's career is 100X better than Snyder's"....."But for me personally I like Snyder better"
^this is the only possible way you could make a statement that "Snyder is better than Nolan"....it would have to be SOLELY YOUR opinion, thats not based on any facts, Not based on the quality of thier films or their careers, you would literally have to just claim "I get that Nolan's wins in every possible way"....But I personally like snyders style better...
instead, you are actually claiming snyder's films and career is better than Nolans and are actually claiming Snyder is better than Nolan.....and simply put, this trolling mistake backs you into a corners where your either....
A. A Liar
B. Delusional
C. you may be the single worst judge of Movies in history
D. You dont actually believe Snyder is better, but are awful at trolling and made a trolling statement that backs you into a corner where the only possible explanations are brutally embarrassing for you...
you are the worst troll I've ever seen, and I dont mean that like you troll a lot, I mean it Literally....I've never seen anyone make troll threads that backfire more than you !
Nolan's a really great director, I just think he gets too over-complicated in his scripts' third acts.
He might be a tad overrated because he has such RABID fans, but if I think of films of his I like or love, I can come up with a bundle: Inception, The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, Memento, The Prestige, and (the underrated/under-viewed) Following. Didn't care for The Dark Knight Rises or Interstellar, though... But, I'd like to see Insomnia.
Agreed. Nolan is pure garbage.
There’s a website where this guy tears Inception to utter ribbons, pointing out every dumb flaw in each second of the script. Nolan is one of those Hollywood buffoons who gets high on his own farts. Utterly pretentious, self indulgent, mediocre, outdated filmmaker.