Silly cow needs to buy a pair of ladders.....and get over herself.
She's basically admitted that she's suffered more genuine 'rascism' (whatever that 'word' means anymore?) at the hands of her own (quote) "Brethren" for not being black enough....and now feels coked-up enough to apologise for her pigmentation (to fellow blacks) This how completely fucked-in-the-head 'clown-world *is* nowadays?
She (and anyone else you want to namedrop) are full of shit.
She's a rich, pampered, narcissist, who seems to be apologising for her existence, to a subsection of her own (quote) "Brethren" who (in all likihood, possibly called her lighter skinned, one time in life)
This is the same woman, who 'reclaimed' her 'true' name back last year (after claiming that 'racist' producers mis-spelt, then forced her to keep it...despite her successful A-list 20+ year career)
There's always going to be people saying mean-stuff to you throughout life (regardless of their colour or yours)......but name-calling is not rascism (be it white on black...Black on white...or black on black)
Just like last years 'name-reclamation'....she's clearly trying to court collumn inches (and little else)
Telling a black person to go home (especially if they are constantly moaning about a country that no-one is forcing him to live in) is not racism (it's constructive advice....primarily given as an example to realise how good ones lot in life truly is) It's a mere recommendation....not a command. How many people do you know, that have been asked to go home....that did exactly that?
Calling a black person "n**ga" (whilst not nice) isn't racism (just as any black person calling me a "Cracka" isn't either) However, it *is* rude, bad mannered (and highly likely to lead to a fight) but the word itself is exactly that....just a word (and a white invention, at that) Apparently blacks can say it....but whites can't (this in theory, is worse than any book-burning, mind controlled fascism out there) Imagine (if you will) a scenario in which a subsection of the planet can use a word, that others can't......whilst (ironically) *still* bleating on about "equality"?
Personally I wish both blacks and whites had the decorum to *not* use the word at all.
But neither example you cited are 'racist' is a mindful suggestion (akin to the old addage "Don't like it....Lump it") and the other is (at best/worst) a slur/insult.
It may well be 'deemed' racist.....but it's just a name.
Calling someone a name is not racism. Anyone that says otherwise is making a mockery of those that suffered genuine 'racism....lynching, raping, maiming (etc) and greatly Highlighted by the fact that you don't deem the word "Cracker" as offensive. Neither insult is no less nor worse (both are equally silly) but "Cracker" is largely ignored, because white people can/do laugh it off.
I'd be more worried about the 'thiness' of someone's skin (than it's colour) if they could get soooooo angry about a word (despite calling each other it, day-in, day-out)