MovieChat Forums > Jason Momoa Discussion > Ronon Dex versus Khal Drogo

Ronon Dex versus Khal Drogo

Who would win in a fist fight?


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That's a great question. For the life of me I couldn't decide which of them would win. I want to say Khal Drogo, but I had to remember Ronan was a runner for seven years. In the end I'll say Ronan would win because he survived alone. Whereas Khal Drogo had and entire Khalaczar to feed and help him.


Good question.

We have only ever seen Khal Drogo have one fight but the way he killed that Dothraki was very impressive, but the Dothraki are only human.

On the other hand, we have seen Ronan Dex take down several Wraith who have far superior strength and healing abilities when compared to humans, and we saw him spar with Teal'c (a Jaffa, who are another alien race stronger than humans) and hold his own.

When thought of like that, then Ronan Dex is the clear winner...

Having said that I think only a foolish man would bet against Khal Drogo in a fight!


Conan vs Khal Drogo would probably be a more even match. Maybe.

I was going to bring Aquaman into the fray, but seems a bit ridiculous.


I think the fight would end in a tie. However, as far as hair length, Drogo would win by a mile.


Nah, I'm just interested in if he could beat himself up.


As most women I wouldn't fight him..... 😜😜😜
