
Gerald McRaney is now playing George Hearst on the HBO series Deadwood. How does this information get installed in the IMDB database?



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And... he's freaking awesome. He's approaching Ian McShane levels which I thought couldn't be reached.


I never though of him as a very good actor. he always seemed stiff and wooden faced and spoke with a sort of monotone, whose weakness' as an actor seem to be his strengh as George Hearst in Deadwood . the dull monotone speech and his stiffness seem to reenforce his quiet insanity.He plays Hearst as sociopath who in his lust for gold seems to not fathom that anyone around him are human ,he is so self absorbed that he sees all people as existing only to serve his propose... His view of the world is that he is the center of it and attempts to be the all powerful god of Deadwood...I would never though Gerald as being up to that kind of part but he does it prefectly [the casting director is a genius]
as does everyone in Deadwood this show at times is hard to follow and seems to require almost studying rather than viewing... never thoughT HBO could top Sopranos and Oz but they have

the more people I meet, the more I prefer the company of my cats


No one in DEADWOOD was nominated for an Emmy this year. We have to wait until next year. But I definately think Gerald McRaney deserves an Emmy for his amazing work as George Hearst, and I sure hope he gets one!


He beats Ian McShane hands down!

Ever stood in a line up? Suede sports coat...courtesy van.


I HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Ever stood in a line up? Suede sports coat...courtesy van.


He beats Ian McShane hands down!

He was damn good but don't get carried away
