Your top 3

What are your top 3 favorite Antonio Margheriti, otherwise known as Anthony M Dawson films?

The man had a really great career that wove in and out of most of the Italian exploitation genres and sub genres spanning from the early 60s to the late 90s including sword and sandals, space drama, gothic horror, spy drama, spaghetti western, poliziotteschi, giallo, jungle adventure, etc. with macaroni combat being my favorite. The only other comparable Italian director delving in this many sub genres I’m aware of might be Lenzi. The man also enjoyed working with miniatures in many of his films.

Yor: The Hunter From the Future (1983)
Killer Fish (1979)
The Last Hunter (1980)


These are still favorites for me, but since my original posting I must say that now And God Said to Cain (1970) tops the list. Margheriti blended gothic horror with spaghetti western to make a really unique film here. Highly recommend.
