MovieChat Forums > Lindsay Lohan Discussion > Peaked as a teenager?

Peaked as a teenager?

I'm looking at her discography and it's not that great in all honestly. It seems like her highlight was in Mean Girls (released when she was 17) then also Freaky Friday, or even the Parent Trap when she was a pre-teen.

What exactly caused her spiral career decline? It had to have been the people she was around. Maybe they were simply bad influences?

There is no reason as to why she didn't have a career like Scarlett Johorseface (who is simply the most overrated actress of all time). Well at least Lindsay seems to be happy with her children now.


Didn't she almost die from drug use and cause her to drop out for a while?


Where have you been? She had multiple arrests, jail time, outrageous behavior etc etc. She also ruined her face with plastic surgery and had multiple box office bombs.


Sounds like poor decisions and that she was hanging around with the wrong crowd to me.


She didn't exactly make the best life choices. Shame. She was terrific in Mean Girls.
