Forsyte Saga

Yes, I am late to the party on this one, but you have to, have to, HAVE TO catch Damian as Soames Forsyte in this series from 2002! He is the most delectable villian you'll ever see from the other side of the pond. Controlling, repressed, jealous, rich, but above all, wronged by a woman he loves. He walks with a cane, shakes, and spits hatred, but he's still a sexy beast. I'm on episode 9 right now, and don't want it to end.

Has anyone else seen this series? I know we're supposed to hate Soames, but I can't. Damian is amazing, really!


You know who was creepy and frightening? Irene, cannot stand her. I actually have a lot of sympathy for Soemes, she really messed him up.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel
