I grew up watching him on Black Adder (Love Black Adder the 3rd!!) and because I'm one of those weird people that once I see an actor I like, I don't forget them, I was almost fangirl crazy when I found out he was coming over! I mean, it's very surreal to see someone in a comedic position come over and then suddenly play a sarcastic American (but I think it's almost like he's playing a Blackadder himself). Though I had seen him lots of other stuff too. I found it amusing too because when he came over, it was like all my favorite British comedians had suddenly moved to American TV! You got Eddie Izzard AND Stephen Fry who were on shows. So as Brit com fan, yep, this made me happy.
I only fear Hugh losing his English accent because that happens to so many Brits when they come over. I hope that when this show is over, maybe he'll get it back lol