MovieChat Forums > Beyoncé Discussion > If you have any doubts that Beyonce is t...

If you have any doubts that Beyonce is the greatest ever

Then watch this masterful live performance she did not long ago:


This is truly a masterclass on how to do a live performance in all aspects from singing, engaging with the audience, chemistry, improvisation, control, you name it and Beyonce excels at it.

She's the best.


She is a racist bitch...

She’s the worst


No the racist is the person getting triggered about a black woman expressing her black identity through her music.


So if I am not black, I am allowed to find her boring and untalented?


Sure just make sure your unconscious bias isn’t why you think that


I do not like black culture, it is inferior


How is it inferior?


Exactly. All great scientists, musicians, writers, poets, geologists, architects, composers, explorers, politicians, inventors are ALL white. While Europe was basking in wealth and democracy the blacks in Africa had invented no more than a mud hut and where still hacking each other to death with machetes.


Miles Davis (just to name one) was black.


I know there are always a few exceptions, like Scott Joplin as well. But, these men only became great when surrounded by whites. black culture does not encourage people to create and explore etc.

black culture obviously originated in Africa where they lay on their ass all day and if they were hungry the would eat a fruit or an animal and sit on their ass again. Since in Africa it's always sunny they could do this to eternity. In Europe however where there are seasons, people had to organise themselves, they needed to grow and harvest crops and store it somewhere for the difficult times in winter. This makes white culture inherently superior to black culture. black culture is taking things day by day, white culture is about planning and looking ahead.

Where Europeans had invented hundreds of musical instruments and the likes of Mozart had written countless absolute masterpieces, the blacks in Africa were still just drumming away on a hollow tree trunk.


She will tell you.


Oh she knows she’s the best.


She knows that she THINKS she's the best. The best at what, exactly? Making money off of mainstream talent?


Can she play a instrument?


She is a singer playing an instrument is not what she does.


For some reason, women can get away with that. (Cher,A Franklin, Madonna)

To be considered a complete musical artist, men cannot.

A can't name a male singer/songwriter (non rapper) who COULDN'T play a instrument. (James Brown? I think he could play a few)




Michael Jackson couldn't, or didn't, really play anything, either.


He played a lot with little boys though. He would play their fiddle.


Jim Morrison.


He is a mean tambourine player🙂.


Yeah he was. Lol


They don't 'get away with it' at all.

I used to work in a London recording studio that was fairly cheap to hire so we got a lot of new bands and artists coming through to record.

Scores of female artists came in with their guitars and keyboards. A lot were sent packing because they were too fat, too tall, too short, or "didn't look right" in any other way, whereas any band made up of barely-washed teenage boys never had to answer for their looks.

With the girls who DID gain some traction, nearly all of them were encouraged to ditch their instruments and present as singers and nothing more. If they don't comply, that's it for them. They had their songs rejected far more frequently and were railed into singing about nothing but love and failed relationships. You could accuse them of selling out, but they were usually young and naive and thought they'd be able to effect change of their own career once they got somewhere.

I find that most singers can play an instrument, at least basic skills, but the industry is all about image and putting people in easy boxes: Guys get bands, girls get a mic and dancers.



We get it....You're gay


What does being gay or not have to do with anything?


Your entire posting history has everything to do with your sexuality?
Nothing wrong with being gay....but do you have to be so clichéd?
You love Beyoncé.....Ariana Grande......Ellen Page.
Let me hate Trump too?

Do you have any interests outside of the 'box' that your sexuality pigeonholes you into?


What sexuality?


Gayness (or at very least, given your post history) feminine traits.
Regardless of sexual predilection, you have extremely poor taste in music and singers (and it shines through your posts)
Are you a man or woman?
Child or adult?



No-one is obsessed with you.....but that was the typical effeminate comeback, I sort of expected....(I.e, memes, gifs, etc) none of it of your own making and about as original as the sub-par 'talents' you laud.

Everything I see some lame ass thread about some talentless cretin...I know it's *YOU* that either created or contributed to it.

I have nothing against you (or people like you) but you sort of deserve the scorn that you (largely) receive around here, by holding such rubbish in high regard?


"I have nothing against you"

Then move along then, or do you actually have an actual point to make besides your tiny veiled homophobia and pretensions of superiority based on whatever it is that you like and listen to (a sign of immaturity in itself)?


My point is, your taste in music stinks.....and you clog up these boards with posts that prove such a statement (time and time again)

May I suggest you buy a pair of ladders and get the fuck over yourself amigo (calling you out for your shit tastes, is neither homophobia nor superiority)
Now that you've used (if not 'exhausted') your trusty 'LGBT-privileges', you'll likely have to either pull the 'Race-Card' next or just go 'copy-and-paste' your bleeding heart victimhood schtick somewhere else? (for sympathy)
But (for fuck sakes) *Please* try listening to some real music in the interim....perhaps you might be taken more seriously?


Interesting back and forth.

You tell ElSofoque they should like 'real music' several times, suspiciously never saying what 'real music' is or what 'real music' you like? Please do dazzle us all with your infallible musical taste spectrum.

Also listing off apparent cliches of a gay person in a negative I'm-better-than-you way *is* kinda homophobic, regardless whether or not you "having nothing against" them.

As for Beyonce - meh - 2, 3 good songs max. I have no idea how I even got here.


Clichés are Clichés for a reason, and ElSofoque exhibits pretty much all of them in nearly every post he/him...she/her makes. I'm fully aware that taste is subjective (personally I love 'the usual mainstream suspects' like The Stones, Led Zeppelin, Bowie, etc.....but I also love Beck, Sananda Maitreya, Paul Williams, Bill Wyman and Brotha Lynch Hung. I'd like to think that if you questioned, insulted or mocked any aformentioned artist, that I could (at very least) defend their relevant merits and likewise talents....and even with that in mind, I *STILL* wouldn't claim either one of them the 'Greatest' (despite possessing more credible evidence to the contrary)
Being a lifelong fan of rap music (not the populist shite) I guess I too *like* some pretty 'meh' music myself (key-word *LIKE*) I don't claim it to be (quote) "greatest" (or any other empty platitude) that ElSofoque cites at the slightest drop of the proverbial 'titfer'.
The fact that ElSofoque can't compare or counterbalance other artists against Beyonce (except cough, cough, Ariana Grande) proves that he has a very limited ear for music. No-one with a passing interest in music could claim Beyonce is the greatest (Taylor Swift is a big no-no, simply because of Clichéd fandom rivalries....despite the fact all three 'singers' are as insipid)

So, to try get a better understanding of ElSofoque's mindset.... I asked who, what, where, when and why (in a polite manner) No 'homophobic' slurs here...and (quite frankly) I'm sick to death of a subsection of society screaming that the majority must now change language, basic biology and laws to accomodate their feelings of 'inequality'....yet fail to answer the most basic question about their actual orientation? (I guess all us 'HETS' have got to be mind-readers nowadays, to second-guess an ever growing/inumerous spectrum) Whilst simultaneously being preached that both "words are violence"....and "silence is violence"
The 'Homophobia-Card' is second only to the 'Race-Card' in terms of blatent overuse (and stretched credibility)
Please save such laments of 'homophobia' for Iran or Yemen.

I merely asked ElSofoque's orientation, to try ascertain *why* on earth anyone would/could find Beyonce the (quote) "greatest" Because there's a distinct difference in liking Beyonce (as opposed to hailing her the greatest) especially given her actual 'body of work'?

It surely takes a certain type of person to think this way?
Guess#1: 13 year old girl
Guess#2: A homosexual
ElSofoque wouldn't answer, therefore all I can do is speculate?
I fully stand by my request that ElSofoque should broaden his/her's both disingenuous to the credibility of his posts and also a sad waste to heap so much praise on so little?


So surely you can comprehend that arriving at conclusions based on what you've made out to be quite negative stereotypes isn't done so with the kindest of intentions?

You like X so that makes you Y based on rather trivial stereotypes and then insinuating one way or another that these traits are somehow 'lesser'?

You're right that homophobic is too strong a word that gets bandied around way too easily, but if you're talking in such broad strokes as to assume ES is "gay or a 13-year-old girl" based on stereotypical evidence, you can see why such broad counter strokes would be used to defend that when the comparison is used with a fair whack of derision.

Still can't argue on Beyonce herself - singers who wring 104 notes out of a one-syllable word don't impress me, but if her mewly somethng-stuck-in-my-throat pipes do it for people, I don't think the rest of us are fit to judge unless we have something truly unique to bring to the taste table.

So coming back with a majority guitar rock list of 'the usual suspects' isn't really a wrecking ball to any other stereotype, especially one Elsofoque might have about a straight man's taste. Two to tango n' all that.


I like so many different genres of music, there's not enough bandwidth to list them all (there's also a lot of respected mainstream stuff I detest) But (at very least) I can make such distinctions, whereas Elsofoque just makes baseless 'blanket statements' that hold the weight of an Ethiopian fart (and without the counterbalance of comparison) then all I'm going to have is broad strokes with my assumptions.....Until Elsofoque refutes otherwise?

I'd like to think that a grown-up would have developed more eclectic tastes in music, over the years....but no, not with's all about Beyonce (she's the greatest) as if no better talents came before of after her. Given Beyonce's large Gay/Trans following, I can only assume Elsofoque falls into this category (if you can think of a more rational, logical explanation for his fanaticism....please feel free to elaborate?)

Personally, I'd find the suggestion of being a '13 year old girl' far harsher of my two assumptions.....But I guess 'ageism' doesn't carry the victim-points that the 'LGBT' dogma does, eh?

Anyhow, thanks for (at very least) keeping it civil


If ElSofoque just has a terrible personality - and I've not seen nearly enough of their posts to make a call on that - fine, because the inflexibility of stan culture is annoying af, but I'm against the correlation of 'gay=terrible taste', because then the reverse is also considered to be true, and tying it to the taste of a 13-year-old kinda reinforces that in a way; it's like saying "these types of people are renowned for having terrible taste, let's ridicule them" without bothering to fact check first.

Not to say tons of gay men don't love Beyonce, but I'd rather highlight the exceptions than the stereotypes as it just adds to negative connotations. Fanaticism needn't be exclusively tied to anyone's sexuality (hell, I was listening to Skid Row and Billy Idol all morning and couldn't stand people saying things like "I bet you love Madonna!" etc) - I just don't see the benefit in calling it out in a way that serves to mock someone.


I'm not equating gay=bad taste....Nor am i saying ElSofoque is a bad person (or has a terrible personality) I'm just baffled how he can make such statements?
I'm sure there's millions of fully grown adults that *like* beyonce.....but to praise such a singer as the greatest, must (in my assumptions, be either an easily pleased teenager, who'd likely envision Beyonce (her 'persona' and success) as a aspirational role model.....or some fanatical homosexual (who have similar interests as the former, but also likely see Beyonce as the drag-queen they've always wanted to look like) Other than getting into the whole 'learning difficulties/autism spectrum'....I can see no other demographic that would be as unhinged about Beyonce as ElSofoque (clearly) is?

If all I wanted to do was throw around unwarranted insults, I could have done a lot more in a lot less time........Personally, I've given ElSofoque, Beyonce (and this thread) far more attention than either deserve?


But why does the demographic matter? It seems odd to shine a light on it as a behavior that goes hand-in-hand with a certain sexuality unless there's an agenda to paint that group of people in a particular light.

I've never seen anyone equate die-hard sports fans' behavior with their sexuality as a way of pigeonholing them.

Fanaticism about anything is pretty concerning regardless of who harbors it.


As I have said (several times now) I have zero problem with ElSofoque (except for his shit taste in music) My problem is trying to rationalise the mindset of someone that would proclaim Beyonce the greatest singer of all time....I think his silence on the matter, adds weight to such an assumption. I think you're either not reading what I'm writing (or perhaps taking the piss?)

Perhaps if ElSofoque *was* a 13 year old girl....then his age might explain why he clearly hadn't listened to much music previously, and thus found Beyonce to be the be-all-and-end-all (if I'd only ever heard one album in my entire life, then chances are it'd be my favourite'd have to be.....primarily because I'd have nothing else to compare it to)
Now, it's one thing to like Beyonce....but to proclaim her the greatest (without the excuse of imaturity) would impy to me (at least) that ElSofoque was projecting something else (with his constant bleating about how great Beyonce is) You said yourself that you're aware of her huge LGBT fanbase......yet you seem to have an issue with me assuming that ElSofoque is part of such (you need only trawl through his post history to see why I'd assume such) ......but I'm getting this vibe that you're either one of these SJW Snowflake types that wants to dissect every little nuance of a sentence to proportion blame (or see offence) or you're one of these 'Last-Word-Merchants' that wants to constantly reply to everything with (QUOTE) "Yeah, but......" whataboutisms?

For the record (one last time)
ElSofoque 'sexuality' (regardless) is no problem with me.
Given her heavy LGBT fanbase, Beyonce (like Kylie, Brittany, Diana Ross, Liza Minelli, or her mum) are adored above and beyond their mortal talents...Hence such assumption (I'm baffled as to why you're trying to make more out of it?)

Asking someone to explain or elaborate their opinion is neither odd, or an 'ism' or a 'phobia'. Perhaps you should converse further with EISofoque on the matter?


Breaking it down to the simplest core, you said: "Your music taste sucks - you must be gay or a 13-year-old."

If you can't detect the problems with that perspective then there's really no point in further back and forth. Own your prejudices.


So you admit you only want people to engage with you just so you can argue with them.


ElSuckue is sooo gay he could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.


She's a racist POS.


What makes her racist?


Just Google Beyonce racist.


Just did, didn't find anything.


You're a moron.


Blacks can't be racists, try again.


Anyone can be racist, dumbass.


You don't know what the word racist means then, you ignorant piece of foreskin.


Educate yourself, racism = privilege plus power therefore blacks can’t be racist.


You are severely retarded.


I would stop right there if I were you because you’re starting to embarrass yourself. It is possible for anyone on this planet, regardless of their ethnicity to be racist.


People! Pay attention!! This is what 'critical race theory' does to people's brains! They lose ALL capability of critical thinking, they become liberal zombies.


Greatest what ? greatest piece of ass ever ? If you say so.


That too.


She's only good at amassing the most dedicated STANs.


She is nasty....imagine what she looks like without 5 hours of hair and makeup.

Thunder thighs, cottage cheese, fake hair, probably bald. Probably very hairy.


Her "talent" is a dime a dozen. I don't know about now due to COVID19, but Las Vegas headliner shows feature black women who can sing and dance just as good as her, if not better. They also have better bodies and are more attractive.

Also, watch any interviews with her and she carries herself with no elegance and comes across as ditzy and dumb. Even Bimbo Mariah Carey has more charisma
