MovieChat Forums > Jaime King Discussion > looks just as hot(if not hotter) than je...

looks just as hot(if not hotter) than jessica in 'sin city'

in the sex scene with mickey rourke she looked soooo *beep* gorgeous.Through out the entire movie I was trying to figure out who was hotter Jessica or Jaime. What do you guys think?Hmm...but then again Elijah Wood looked pretty hot too even tho you couldn't really see his face...


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She has more beauty in her big toe than Jessica in all her implants.

"Senta o dedo nessa porra!!!"
Capitão Nascimento


Jessica doesn't have implants...


She is sexy. Just watch her in My Bloody Valentine 3D.

Although, I hear she *beep* dogs.


She looks terrible in my bloody valentine.

I didn't even realize it was the same chick from Sin City, till I came on here. And I just watched that movie about an hour ago.

"Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane."


sheavy, I heard you mom *beep* dogs also.

anyway, yes, she looks incredible in sin city.
I can't decide, both jessica and jaime are amazing.

Why horror movies never won Academy Awards?


LOL at the dog comment sheavy and only because I know what you are talking about. Pretty Persuasion anyone.

Thank you, thank you. :)
