50 years ago tonight.

Fifty years ago tonight (after 1am PT) he succumbed to the assassin’s bullets from 26 hours earlier.

I just thought he deserved a post here. I was just 12, but sadly remember that tragic day, as well as the day we lost Martin Luther King Jr two months prior.

The 60s was a tough period to go through in many regards, including the many political murders.


Good idea...we should remember a very important man
RFK was the genuine article
Leaves you wondering what could have been

I often hear people say that the world is upside down now, America has lost her way and all hope has left the room in our current political climate

I disagree...Vietnam, a nearly crushing spree of political violence and assassinations, racial discord, the early signs of a heavy national drug addiction...
So much vital history but so much of it very bad from the 60's

Im glad i was an early 70's baby if im honest, the 60's seemed nuts



The main focus of the 1960s in part was the protests against the Vietnam war. It was also a protest against the complacent attitude of people in the USA. It was time for a wake up call, and they got it. There were many, many protests, and also in part the war ended because of the protests. Of course there was the whole hippie culture which encouraged young people to have a good look at what was going on in the country. More protests.

Regarding RFK, yes that was a sad, sad time. His assassination soon after that of JFK and MLK Jr.


Vietnam was also a crucial chapter in our very important
Cold War...we are devotedly anti-Communist here in The States and we should be

Truman made a pledge to the free people of the world...Communist Expansion and Soviet Aggression would be met with force of arms

The US lost 54,000 lives in the Korean war and another 58,000 in Vietnam

With a brief speech to Congress, Truman (a decent man and good leader) set us on the path to Vietnam way back in 1947, nearly 8 years before the Vietnamese civil war broke out against the French

When i hear someone bemoan our current state of affairs i politely referance the 50s-early 70s


Kennedy wouldn't have been president or even the Democratic nominee, from what I've read Humphrey had enough delegates to put him over the top.

But Kennedy could have been a force for good in troubled times...


I think it was only one bullet.


Three hit him, one passed through his coat. One struck him in the head, two into his back. Six people total were struck by bullets.


A tragedy and the loss of a good man no matter what his influence on American policy would have been.


The President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy (Warren Commission) concluded that President Kennedy was struck by two bullets.

One of those bullets killed him.
