Him in Crooklyn

He was so funny in the movie Crooklyn...I liked the part when he was playing on the keyboard when they were eating dinner and how he looked in those glasses...and even the part when he was yelling at the kids about the trash being on his proptery...everytime he would yell, he would so funny in those thick glasses...I still laugh til this day


Yeah it is a pity, that David's " the Mason" is cutted. I have read even a review where the author affirmed that he regret not this because it is the worst song opn the score.
I was indignant!
the author of review

Trust, this song is really nice...look at: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00005LZSR/ref=pd_rhf_p_1/103-5558949-6735003?no=%2A&s=music&v=glance&n=5174
