MovieChat Forums > Scarlett Johansson Discussion > One of the all time greats.

One of the all time greats.

- Sex symbol. A gorgeous woman. Probably the biggest sex symbol of the 21st century in Hollywood?

- Something of a box office draw. She's not prime Will Smith or Dwayne Johnson but she has some pull, definitely when compared to other actresses as a lot of the biggest draws are men. (She's currently the highest grossing star of all time, lead roles only.*)

- Great actress. Not one of the all time best but she's pretty damn good. She's still only 38 and as she matures and does a few more 'oscar bait' dramatic roles I imagine she'll get her academy award at some point.

- Solid filmography. A nice blend of critically acclaimed movies and blockbusters. Some good voice acting work too, her voice is beautiful and distinctive.



Agreed she is one of the best. I also like how smart she has always been in picking her projects. She could have easily been typecast as the “hot girl” for a lot of teenage movies but she avoided that and this allowed her to forge her path as a serious actress with versatility.


I like her, but I think it's a stretch to say she is one of the greats.


Peak Johansson = hot, very good actress, some interesting roles. Not an all-time great, but of her era? One of the best.


yeah she is hawt.


Trump wasnt impeached.

You can edit and re-edit all you want, Jo! 😂

But this is not the place. Take it back here


I like her but I think you're overrating her box office success. What movie that she was the lead showed she has box office pull? Lucy? Black Widow under performed.
