Someone like Margot Robbie, I can definitely understand her popularity. She has a very interesting look about her and has amazing onscreen charisma. She also is one of those actresses who was born to play certain roles or you can see would be a perfect fit for several types of roles.
But Scarlett Johansson, what is the appeal? I think she knows that there's nothing to her in the way of acting or charisma, which is why she keeps choosing these controversial roles. She's a boring, bland bottle blonde, and being controversial is the only way she can come across as interesting. Plus, she's trying to go the Johnny Depp route of casting against type, but the difference is that Depp is talented and legitimately crazy enough to play these roles but she is not.
I disagree. I think she's a great actress and Match Point and Lost in Translation are wonderful examples of this. I think she's picking too many action hero roles which don't showcase her prodigious talents well.
Agreed. I'd like to see her do more and I'm sure she eventually will. Can't blame her for milking the great situation she's in right now though. She's getting paid a lot of money and most likely really enjoying the films.
Yeah. If she's having fun doing cool action movies and getting paid big bucks, that's her business. I just hope she still does the cool indie stuff every once in awhile.
Her performance in Under the Skin was amazing. I hope she finds room in her busy schedule to do the interesting stuff as much as the fun stuff, that's all.
But, ultimately, no, I can't blame her for doing what's paying the bills.
I know there is an inherent irony in criticizing movies one hasn't actually seen. In the case of Match Point, I seem to remember Woody Allen had made some uninteresting films before MP, and being a sports and tennis fan, trying to make actors look like professional tennis players really seemed like a bad idea. So I haven't seen it. I'm not at all familiar with Under The Skin, so if SJ is good in it, I'm happy and look forward to running across it.
Initially I found her appealing, mostly because she's good looking in a unique way. LIT was an interesting movie but I won't say she was the reason it was. She has a weird voice and some roles she sounds like she's sort of indifferent to what is going on around her. I really dislike these ensemble superhero films, so I don't want to judge her by them. Yes, they are a Cash Cow so I'm beyond blaming her for doing them, but neither does it elevate her in my eyes. But I thought Lucy was a misstep, a dumb and cheap concept -- yet again, I haven't actually seen it.
I love the movie Ghost World but I don't think she shined in it. It was more the novelty that ScarJo was so young and in an indie. And I don't like her voice enough to want to see Her or whatever that weird movie was. (I actually think it might be interesting but I know some people immediately thought it was was too strange, the idea of a guy falling in love with the voice on his phone.) I guess I need to look at her filmography and see what unusual films she's done recently because the high profile stuff doesn't impress me, yet I sort of want to like her.
A lot of Johansson's role selection seems to be geared towards big budget action movies; I don't think they showcase her talents very well. So, if you're watching her in the superhero soap operas, I don't think you're getting peak Scarlett.
Her best roles are, obviously, subjective (as is appreciation of those roles), but I'd say they're Match Point, Under the Skin, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Lost in Translation, and Her (thank you for reminding me!) I'd agree that she isn't what specifically makes LiT interesting, but I think her performance is great and contributes greatly to the film.
I haven't seen Ghost World or Girl with a Pearl Earring, but people love those movies, so they're probably part of it.
I enjoyed Lucy as a weird, hyperactive action sci-fi film by Luc Besson, but I totally understand it not being everybody's preferred flavour.
Ultimately, if there's just "something" about her you don't like, that's cool, and she just isn't your cup of tea. I happen to dig her smokey voice (reminds me of the ladies of noir), but if you don't - c'est la vie. If the voice is the big hangup, by the by, you might want to skip Her, as good a movie as it is - Scarlett's voice is pretty front-and-centre.
If you want to give her one more shot, I'd say Match Point. It's one of my favourite Woody Allen pictures and she isn't the lynchpin of the movie so, even if you still don't like her, you stand a good chance of not-hating the whole movie. Under the Skin would be next.
Thanks for your reply. As I tried to make clear, I want to like her, and she has a fascination for me.
First heard of her from LIT, and Sofia C always delivers an interesting mood in her films. But because so much is sublimated, and the age difference between she and Murray was important but also puzzling as to why these people would have an intellectual meeting, and that makes me hesitate to say her performance is superlative. I really need to see it again, (and I do own it as a gift from a good friend), but not only to study SJ. A couple weeks ago both Kate Winslet and SJ were Trending next to each other, and I immediately thought KW is the better actor, while SJ has had plenty of work at the same time.
I think Kate Winslet tends to do more "serious" films, while Scarlett is entrenched in the "action chick" stuff, ever since she got mired in the superhero flicks. Consequently, Winslet isn't as "visible" because she's in arthouse/Oscar bait, not blockbuster-headliner stuff.
I haven't really seen Winslet in a lot of things, although I really like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. But I haven't seen her "important" roles (like The Reader, for instance).
I don't take issue with her being a bottle blond. Just the bland/boring part bothers me. Because she is.
In every film I've seen her in, she is completely unremarkable - even in films I enjoy overall, like The Girl with the Peal Earring. The only movie people can say she's been good in is Under the Skin - I have yet to hear anyone say she was brilliant in anything else. It really bothers me because she has been and continues to be the lead of so many films for no good reason.
I agree, Wint3rFir3. She’s like Julia Roberts, conventionally attractive and not exotically, impossibly beautiful, with vanilla tapioca on the inside: a human tabula rasa on whom folks can project whatever is compatible with their fantasies. At least Roberts was astute enough not to try to pass herself off as an action hero. In terms of combat verisimilitude, Scarlett’s about as threatening as a Bob Hope joke.