How Patty Jenkins dropping out of "Wonder Woman 3" was used to discredit James Gunn's DC
While the initial media driven narrative was that James Gunn, the new head of DC on film had shut down Wonder Woman 3 and would leave Henry Cavill hanging next, reality was much more mundane: Patty Jenkins had chosen to walk out of the production … and to reference a recent video from Nerdrotic, and a number of articles which inspired it; that’s a good thing!share
In this editorial, @AndreEinherjar will begin by going through the news cycle, which begun with fake news that did nothing but drive fans into a frenzy, until the real story took hold. Then we’ll be going why Patty Jenkins is out and all the other trouble that has followed in her wake, before looking into what might have motivated that cycle of obviously fake news in the first place!