MovieChat Forums > Katharine Isabelle Discussion > She expected more from FvsJ?

She expected more from FvsJ?

Lol what. It's a movie about two 80's horror icons killing kids. Did she think she signed up for Hamlet.


lol, exactly i thought the same thing , all she has done is crappy low budget horror movies , who does she think she is ???? she just comes across with a kinda stuck up vibe probrably the reason her career is in the toliet


Ginger Snaps is one of the very few really good werewolf movies, budget notwithstanding, and Ginger Snaps Back was that rarity, an INVENTIVE sequel. Both are far from being “crap.”


I agree. I'd say the same for Rooney Mara. Her attitude towards ANOES was laughable too. It's not high art ladies.

Utah! Get me two.


What did she say?


found on her imdb page

[On why she didn't like Freddy vs Jason] I was expecting more from the film, but it's just the same old-same old. Running around and screaming "No Freddy, don't."

she shouldn't have signed up in the first place , there is plenty of actresses who would have died to be in a freddy/jason movie and would have no problem doing the nude scene required. just seems like she thinks she is hot stuff and a bigger star then she really is. yea and rooney mara was horrible in the new remake of freddy , but everything about that movie was horrible tho , the guy who played freddy really sunk the movie too.


Actually, I see what she means. FvJ went through dozens of script drafts by totally different writers, some more ambitious than others--the one they ended up going with wasn't one of those.

The Mark Protosevich script, in my opinion, was the best.

The Peter Briggs script, while cheesy, was super epic and brought back characters from both franchises besides the villains.

It could have been a pretty unique movie. Instead, they went the typical "safe" route with the Shannon/Swift script. I think she has a point; for a movie 20 years in the making, it was a total cluster.


Who knows. She sounds like an indy snob. I watch Freddy vs Jason for Robert Englund!


Katharine said this about "Freddy Vs. Jason":
I was expecting more from the film, but it's just the same old-same old. Running around and screaming "No Freddy, don't."
She didn't say she didn't like FvJ or that she didn't appreciate being part of it (it remains a highlight in her career), she just said she expected more from it than the same old horror clichés. I like the film but, she's right, it's just more of the same, as far as slashers go; the only unique element is having the two franchises intermix.

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I think she was expecting it to be a little less stock than it was. Nevertheless, I also think the main thing that made her badmouth the film was her commitment to not doing nude scenes, which Ronny Yu failed to inform her about. Thats why I think she bashed the film in the way she did.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed it for being a dumb fun film...yeah it got really dull in some areas but, yeah, I liked it.
