Why do democrats admire this guy ? Especially now with what’s goin on in the Middle East
Especially now there’s marches for eradication of Jewish people
shareEspecially now there’s marches for eradication of Jewish people
shareIf you don't know, well...I guess the media propaganda department run by (((them))) is doing it's job. Or did you learn your "facts" from (((their))) academia approved textbooks based on zero facts. While you're wondering things, maybe wonder why everything you learned in school is utterly useless and untrue.
shareIt's so hilarious how Democrats have called every Republican President in the last 50 years "literally Hitler" but now what are the Democrats calling for? Yeah... Killing Jews.
shareSupporting Palestine is not a typical position of the Democrats. Most Democrats and Republicans support Israel. Although there are some Democrats that are pro Palestine it is a very small number compared to those that are Zionist.
shareThe Dems don't admire Hitler.
In fact, it's their low opinion of Hitler which triggers them to use the simple minded metric of:
Hitler bad.
Republicans bad.
Republicans must be Hitler..
It's true that many in the Democrat party support the Hamas terrorists that wants to kill all Jews (and Christians and atheists after that), but that doesn't make the leap to say if they support Hamas it's the same as supporting Hitler.
Hitler bad.
Republicans bad.
Republicans must be Hitler.
both parties are bad because there radicalized
shareIt's just that the scary thing is Trump makes Hitler look so good in comparison even though people know Hitler wasn't good.
shareTake a look at this Time Magazine "Person of the Year" edition, 1938:
It was one year before Hitler invaded Poland. Before that year, a lot of Democraps were admiring Hitler, including Roosevelt. They fell for the propaganda and thought the Germans were running their country very efficiently. (It should be noted their GDP was high because they had stolen a lot of money from Jews they had thrown into prison or camps already, just like the Bolsheviks did with the nobles in Russia just 30 years earlier).
Dinesh D'Souza's book "The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left," which you can buy here:
It tells a lot of very embarrassing stuff the Left would not really want you to know about how much they admired the Nazi party in Germany before Hitler revealed just how evil he was. They are the reason public school curricula have been lying for years about how the idea of fascism is a "far-right" ideology, when most aspects of it actually resemble the far-left playbook instead.
D'Souza even wrote in a separate article about what Germany was like for ordinary Germans during the war, and a lot of how the Nazi govt. ran things for regular Germans sounds eerily like what the Democrats really want to do to America right now, but can't because they're hampered by our Constitution.
The only reason they pretended to hate Hitler after 1939 was because it would look really bad for them to be supporting a guy who committed genocide and was pushing for world domination when the rest of the world didn't think it was very cool. So they had to change their tune as quickly as possible, and hope nobody would study history and find out who the closet Nazis were in America. If it weren't for that pesky 1st Amendment and the public's short memory, they would have memory-holed that whole admiration thing entirely and destroyed all evidence of their admiration of Hitler prior to 1939 entirely.
and thought the Germans were running their country very efficientlyThey were. It wasn't propaganda. Even with all the B.S. sanctions and the aftermath of the depression, Germany had the highest GDP in Europe, which made the usury merchants seethe. So save your "the big lie" BULLSHIT. These are facts, your faggot little poo is the liar. HE'S the propaganda. You're the mark. share
Aww, hey look everybody, JFZ is showing us how he deals with harsh reality and how to be tolerant to others. Isn't this little monkey adorable?
shareWhat harsh reality? I already said that street shitter's narrative is utter bullshit and backed it up with facts. What does being tolerant even have to do with what we're talking about? Major cope.
shareIf you're citing D'Souza as a source for anything, you immediately lose all credibility. It takes some serious mental gymnastics to associate Democrats with Nazi sympathies. To take only one example Charles Lindbergh, a Republican, was famously a Nazi sympathizer before Pearl Harbor and Germany's declaration of war. He was a prominent member of the "America First Committee." Sound familiar? I'd suggest you read some actual history, but I'm sure you think that anything that doesn't agree with your rather unique and skewed views is some sort of propaganda.
shareWas that your own idea, or something your Chinese masters programmed into you? Blocked, stinking bot.
shareAh yes, the last refuge of those without a rational argument, ad hominem. Happy to discuss *actual* history if you ever come out of your echo chamber.
share[–] KCurmudgeon (203) 10 days ago
Ah yes, the last refuge of those without a rational argument, ad hominem.
[–] KCurmudgeon (203) 11 days agoshare
If you're citing D'Souza as a source for anything, you immediately lose all credibility.
Except it's not. You apparently know as much about informal fallacies as you do about history.
shareI have been wondering the same thing.
shareDemocrats don't admire him. Trump, Musk & MAGA do.