MovieChat Forums > Adolf Hitler Discussion > He was not worst than the Allies

He was not worst than the Allies

USA: Killed millions of native americans, enslaves millions of africans
UK: Killed millions in India, China, Africa, enslaved aboriginals
France: Killed 6 million Algerians, killed haitains.

Ya the good guys won WW2...


You wouldn't be able to post that shit here if they hadn't, asshole.


what are you talking about?




go save your daughter under the africans she's under first


The problem is, Bobbynynex, that you're comparing a seven-year long war with events spanning over one hundred years. Not exactly fair, now is it?


Booby is not interested in fairness or facts.


after WW2 the US and Allies went on to kill 4.5 million asians...killing another million or more in the middle east..


You're a Nazi. Now go away.


That's not the correct way to argue with bobby. Try again, this time without the ad hominem.


Communists, the same ones who run the Democrat party who you clearly worship, killed 100 million people in the 20th century.

Go finish grade school and come back when you can stop wasting people’s time with your pathetic ignorance.


you call democrats commies and you're telling me to go back to grade school? i can just picture you right now, sub human IQ never went to college, white, watches fox news. Am i in the ball park billy bob?


Comparing a single person's life to the deeds of a nation throughout their history. Okay.


oh ya because Hitler was solely responsible for ww2 it wasn't the versaile treaty right?


USA v American Indians. Yes Western Europeans invaded Northern America.
Yes there was a very long drawn out war that slowly gave the Europeans control of the continent. Yes it was a war. There were MANY battles.

I could be wrong but 2 minutes of actual research gave me this........

America(USA) imported 388,000 slaves from Africa.
In our entire history.


Sure about the numbers?


What number would you like ? I can make them up as well as the next person.


:-) No need, just noticed this "slavery import prohibition" act from 1807. Jefferson was really impressive.


If you have a number to post.


Thanks though.


WW2 wasn't a war between "good guys" and "bad guys"...

It was between three versions of modern progressivism (liberalism, communism and fascism), having destroyed monarchy and traditional forms of government in the major European countries/empires...

The earlier war, WWI was primarily between the British Empire and an ascendent German Empire, a Thucydides trap of sorts, with the American state being brought in on the side of the British tilting it in their favour.

The millions who died in war was as a result of these political forces vying for power, rather than the humanitarian excuses that are given for the various wars...

We see similar propaganda and excuses in the current wars. Spreading democracy, duty to protect minorities, women's rights, etc... have all been invoked for war or military action recently... Those aren't the actual reasons, they are simply the excuses for the masses. The real reasons tend to be geo-political, economic and ideological (in the service of particular interests).




And now it looks as though liberalism is dead. It's a fight between communism and fascism and neither result is going to be good for the common person.


Yes DUMBASS, they did! You don't even have your facts right. There is no way to know the precise total of aboriginal Americans killed in North America, given the natives didn't take censuses, but scholars estimate somewhere between 100,000 to 500,000 between the first permanent English settlement in 1607 and the Battle of Wounded Knee in 1890, and an absolute high end of about a million. Millions more natives did die, of course, but the overwhelming majority of them died from Old World diseases to which they had no immunity, diseases like smallpox, typhus, cholera, etc. And no, there's no truth the assertion that white settlers gave smallpox infected blankets to them. The only evidence for that was a letter from a pre-Revolutionary War British officer considering the idea. There's no evidence that anyone ever actually did it. The US didn't enslave millions of Africans either. First off, those slaves were captured in the first place by other Africans and sold to European slave traders on the coast. From there they were shipped across the Atlantic, but only about 388,000 went to the US. No millions there either. According to (black) harvard Prof. Henry Louis Gates "...the overwhelming percentage of the African slaves were shipped directly to the Caribbean and South America; Brazil received 4.86 million Africans alone!"

Contrast that with Hitler's Germany, which started a war of conquest with its neighbors in order to seize land in eastern Europe and ethnically cleanse it, and then devoted the bureaucracy, infrastructure, administration, and industry of a modern, developed country to an organized effort to systematically collect and exterminate an entire people, and succeeded in murdering several million of them in just four years.

Assuming you're not just some stupid troll... If you can't see a difference here, you have a broken moral compass.


After WW2 usa went to kill murder and rape millions in Asia, and from there went to kill 100s thousands in middle east. totally the good guys right?


Murder and rape millions in Asia eh? That's the third time you've accused the US using the word millions. You were flat out wrong the previous two times. Something tells me your "facts" are no more correct this time either.


4.5 million asians were killed during the vietnam and korean war.

also rape:


Your OP that Hitler was not worst (think you mean worse) than the allies had me wondering about the 6 million Jews he put in concentration camps where they were treated brutally before being murdered despite doing no wrong.
Did the allies do anything like this?
I mean I know the US put the Native Americans on conservations and then moved them on when gold/silver/oil was discovered, or they wanted to build a railroad. But they didn't gas them did they?


USA and the West has killed far more than 6 million people.




That is not what I meant and you know that.
Hitler had 6 million innocent Jews rounded up and slaughtered. Many more were starved close to death and treated as sub-human. They weren't soldiers and they weren't fighting him. They were told they were being relocated when in fact they were being sent to their deaths. That's not war, that's genocide. There were many meetings of senior Nazis to come up with Hitlers' Final Solution, which was ridding Germany (and the World) of the Jewish people.
So when you say he was no worse than the allies then you might want to stop talking out of your arse and stop coming across as a fool.


USA's final solution is to kill all muslims and communists. even if they are civilians.


Now you're just lying.
It's not big and it's not clever


that is what happened in Iraq, 600k dead no WMD all lies. bombing afghanistan for 20years now...100ks dead.






...and delusional


how many would the Taliban and ISIS have killed , had it not been for intervention by the US and it's allied?


LOL usa and allies have been funding these animals to take down Assad. It was Iran and the Shia militias that took them down. USA was actively funding them so was Israel.


Assad is in Syria ........ Taliban is in Afghanistan , ISIS is everywhere.


yep ISIS is everywhere using US made weapons.


Interesting that you include the Korean War, since the North Koreans started it! Yeah, we killed a lot of North Koreans and Chinese. That's what happens to aggressors who invade their neighbors!

I'm very familiar with My Lai and Hill 192. The difference you seem totally unable to grasp is that those episodes were disgraceful exceptions in American military history, not standard operating procedure. In the Hill 192 incident, every soldier who participated was dishonorably discharged, and several were convicted of murder by a military court, and sent to prison. On the other hand, for the Nazi Einsatzkommandoes during WWII, that sort of behavior absolutely was standard operating procedure. The Einsatzgruppen were paramilitary death squads organized and deployed for the sole purpose of rounding up people the Nazis wanted exterminated, and murdering them -- Jews, of course, but also Gypsies, Soviet political commisars, the intelligentsia and cultural elite of Poland, and others. There has never been anything in US military history remotely like them.

It is beyond ridiculous that you don't see any difference here. I can only attribute it to uncritically accepting a lot of anti-American propaganda.


white washing war crimes are we...


No, "we" are not. One doesn't typically use the word "disgraceful" to describe events that one is whitewashing. Apparently we can add reading comprehension difficulties to you poor grasp of historical facts and broken moral compass.


"That's what happens to aggressors who invade their neighbors!" - I am not sure but neither Korea nor China are neighbors of the US...


I never said they were. I said North Korea invaded its neighbor, which is precisely what happened when, on 25 June 1950, North Korean troops invaded South Korea. In response, the then-new United Nations condemned North Korea's unprovoked aggression, and the UN security council formed the United Nations Command, and 15 other nations besides the US sent troops to intervene in what was the first UN effort at collective security pursuant to the Charter of the United Nations.


ur a fucking idiot. how does north korea invade south korea when they are the same country? too much fucking burgerking in your brain?


Oh my God, you're STUPID! I mean truly shit-stupid! You are literally now in denial of observable, documented reality stupid, and let me tell you: that's a really special kind of stupid.

North Korea and South Korea are NOT the same country you utter MORON! They have been under completely different governments since the end of WWII when the Soviets occupied Korea north of 38th parallel, and the US occupied the southern half. The Soviets set up a communist government under Kim Il Sung, and the US set up a capitalist one under Syngman Rhee. In 1950, with Soviet and Chinese support, Kim Il Sung's army invaded South Korea to try and forcibly reunify the country under a communist government, which remains to this very day one of the world's worst, most oppressive, most soul-crushing totalitarian dictatorships.

They absolutely ARE different countries you complete, utter, blithering idiot!



Moron, NOBODY is defecting from South Korea to North Korea. That tells you all you need to know about who the good guys are. Same story with Germany when it was divided during the Cold War: East Germany had to build a wall around their half of Berlin, and patrol it with armed guards to keep the workers in their "workers paradise" from running away. The commies are NOT the good guys. Yes, there has been anti-American sentiment in South Korea: and the people who think that way seem to be anti-American retards just like you.



If you really think North Korea is so great, why don't you go live there?


they dont let foreigners in.


And that's the regime you're defending.



ya, because a mixed society like the US is destined to fail. as you can see, the blacks almost burned down the entire country. are u this fucking retarded?


Throwing a little racism in for good measure now are we?


Your opinion will not alter the outcome.


He WAS worse than the allied.... but he was however not worse than the communist soviets' who killed millions of their own people in the name of communism or he Japanese savages that experimented on animals and humans during WW2......

notice we never hear about that on TV or other media.

Oh no, we better not offend the people that make our TV's and PlayStation consoles.
