MovieChat Forums > Taraji P. Henson Discussion > She only won the Golden Globes because.....

She only won the Golden Globes because........

she is black. Her and Denzel won awards because they are black. If not, there would be backlash, and we would hear about all this sh*t for a few months, and then they will bring it up again next year in the news why they didn't win.


You're a fool if you think that Denzel doesn't deserve the award. I bet you haven't even seen his work before. As for Taraji, I haven't seen her work, so I can't judge.


denzel got a lifetime acheivement award essentially. Because hes one of the most famous actors in his generation. Only Tom Hank and Daniel Day Lewis compare.

Taraji won her award because shes on the most popular show on network television and she carries it.


You're an idiot.


get a grip. then how come regina didn't win?


Comparing Hanks with DDL and Denzel is a bad, bad joke.



Denzel has 2 Academy awards and 6 nominations.

Tom hanks has 2 Academy Awards and 5 nominations.

Daniel Day Lewis has 3 Academy awards and 5 nominations.

Denzel and Tom hanks were pretty boys in their hay day who are considered the best in their craft.

Daniel Day Lewis is considered the best method actor ever.

They are the best from their generation by far and its not a joke to compare them unless you're looking through racist colored glasses.


Soho1256 - even though I think that this twit robbed Viola Davis (a real actress), I'm not sure it's only because she's black, playing a black character on a 99% all black cast show. Viola Davis should have won, as an actress of a great TV show (not just a black character on a black show).

As for Denzel, he didn't win for 1 show - he was given a lifetime achievement award, for decades of great movies. He us a great actor - someone Terrence Howard could emulate and take guidance from.


Yes. Viola runs circles around Taraji. I like Taraji, but her and Viola are not even in the same category.
