MovieChat Forums > Jared Harris Discussion > Steals every scene he's in.....

Steals every scene he's in.....

I've seen Jared in a few things, most notably, Mad Men.

I'm always struck by the vulnerability he portrays in his characters, even ones who display pomposity and arrogance. he's often typecast as a kind of upper class English dandy but he always makes the most of it. He squeezes every ounce of humanity out his characters and I only really realised when I was watching him as King George in The Crown that he really is incredible.

It was that scene where he lets Elizabeth know she is about to take over the royal duties. Then in the next scene the whole family of Windsors are standing around listening to choral singers. He joins in the singing as well and then shows the tears of sadness welling up in his eyes. He's coming to terms with his impending and it's magnificent.

Hope to see him take more and bigger roles in the future.






Well someone should tell him to give them back.


He's great.


He pretty much does.
