MovieChat Forums > Michael C. Hall Discussion > A poor man's Matt Damon?

A poor man's Matt Damon?

[Is there a way to search a particular board on I can't believe this hasn't been posted before ...]

Does anyone else think that Michael C. Hall looks like a poor man's Matt Damon? I just finished watching SFU and the resemblance is uncanny sometimes.

EDIT: To avoid any misunderstandings, I'm just taking about looks. Hall is an amazing actor and his performance in SFU was better than anything I have seen from Damon so far ...


Matt Damon isn't that special to start with. I would understand if you said a poor man's Robert Redford, which is what Brad Pitt is. And anyway Damon must feel pretty poor after Green Zone - $125 million production cost, $14 million box office...hmmm. Given half a chance, Michael C. Hall would carry a movie with far more leading man presence than Damon. And as far as looks go, Damon has a caved in nose and profile just as M.C.hall has slightly uneven features. Both look reasonably handsome from some angles. Both have lovely smiles. But M.C.Hall's eyes win out over Damon's any day of the week. Incredible eyes.
