MovieChat Forums > Shelley Hack Discussion > Can someone explain this odd note in her...

Can someone explain this odd note in her IMDb bio?

However, her big break came in 1979 when Charlie's Angels (1976) was casting a replacement for Kate Jackson.

Hack was chosen to play Tiffany Welles, however, she lasted only 1 season before she herself was replaced. Hack has lasted a lot longer than some people would have after leaving Charlie's Angels (1976).

That makes no sense. Lasted longer where? She left "Charlies Angels" after one season. She "lasted" after leaving? What, she didn't drop dead?

Also, any opinions on why she was booted after only one season?


I've read more than once that Cheryl Ladd was jealous of there being another blonde on the show. She (and Farrah before her) had always been the only one. She'd barely talk to Hack, and it created a very difficult atmosphere on set with Jaclyn Smith constantly trying to play peacekeeper. In the end the producers decided it couldn't go on. Ladd was popular with viewers so Hack had to go.


Damn, that's some petty jealousy on Cheryl Ladd's part. I was doing some googling and the show lasted only one season after Hack was fired.


Yes, that's right, with the gorgeous Tanya Roberts (RIP). My favourite Angel of all.


Interesting. I checked Tanya Roberts history on MovieChat. All her threads going back years were carried over from IMDb.

Yet, on this Shelley Hack's board, nothing was carried over from IMDb.

I'm wondering the difference. But it may be that Roberts had a movie career. While Hack was mainly a tv star.

I wish MovieChat was more consistent.


That's odd, but I'd wager people discussed Tanya Roberts far more than they did Shelley Hack.
