MovieChat Forums > Alejandro G. Iñárritu Discussion > I've never seen so much hate

I've never seen so much hate

He's one of the best directors in the film business, and there are so many people who are critical of his films. It's a little hard to understand. I can understand why Babel and 21 Grams aren't well liked. I thought they were okay but Amorres Perros had some great moments. Biutiful and Birdman are masterpieces. He's really good, and ambitious, and I don't see why people think he's pretentious. The tone he sets in his films is slow, and I think he really captures the emotions in a scene. He reminds me a lot of Paul Thomas Anderson but sometimes Anderson doesn't get the it all. Like The Master or Inherent Vice. These directors when the right force gets them they make masterpieces.
Inarritu has a long career ahead of him. I can't believe people disrespect him so much. I think there should be a respect for a director like this... too much praise is put in a lot of other places.


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If you can't see what makes him pretentious and unlikable, then I humbly suggest that you don't perceive him very clearly. Do you think all of the reports of Inarritu being a jerk to his cast and crew are made up? That's three movies in a row, now, where the movie's release was accompanied by stories that he was verbally (and sometimes physically) abusive to his cast and crew.

Seriously, I recommend that you find yourself a more worthy idol. At least Paul Thomas Anderson is a nice guy. You never hear about 40+ people quitting a PTA production because the director is an irresponsible jerk.


Iñarritu is great, yes he is pretentios and I kind of like it, he's as bold and visionary as anyone and has a great carrer ahead of him.


So was Stanley Kubrick but he was a great filmmaker. I don't like Kubrick himself, and I'm not talking about Innaritu himself. I'm talking about his filmography. His films are outstanding. So it's crazy that he's under appreciated. Also each time he makes a film, he always gets an amazing performance from his actors. Aways. So he's doing something right.
I have a certain respect for a director that makes good films. Doesn't mean I like him himself.


Kubrick doesn't have the same abusive reputation that Inarritu has. Not even close.

You also can't compare the quality of Inarritu's resume to Kubrick's. That's a joke.

You don't have to be an abusive jerk to make movies, but Inarritu doesn't seem to have any other directorial skills to speak of to resolve his problems. The Revenant's issues were the result of poor planning and unreasonable expectations. Inarritu claimed to know this before production began, and the crew was an experienced crew. Why, then, would over 40 of them quit of be fired? Why would Inarritu line them up and blame them for all the production difficulties?

Put him on a pedestal if you like, but a lot of power-mad abusers have justified they actions historically by saying that the ends (in this case, the quality of the film) justify the means. On principle, I have to disagree. There are no circumstances that excuse treating other people the way that Inarritu has. Shame on him and the people who gloss over his childish behavior. Some "cool-looking" movies aren't worth 40 plus careers and months of misery.


I wouldn't call it cool-looking. I'd call it art. A film you've seen and love without a doubt was made by someone mean. Grow-up and learn to deal with it.


I wouldn't call it cool-looking. I'd call it art.
Actually, I was quoting Inarritu, who said that he expects everyone to understand why he was such a flaming douchebag on the set when they see how "cool" the movie looks. He's that shallow.

A film you've seen and love without a doubt was made by someone mean. Grow-up and learn to deal with it.
If I knew for a fact that one of my favorite directors was as abusive as Inarritu allegedly is, then I would withdraw support for that artist right away. To me, being an adult partly means being grown up enough to say "no" when something isn't right. It's possible to make great art without abusing people. If Inarritu is unable to make art under those conditions, then I humbly suggest that he isn't a very good artist.


I see your point now but I don't agree with it. I relate to very brilliant actors. Some actors that are great are downright mean to anyone on set. This happens a lot with method actors like Christian Bale. Christian Bale is a good actor but he's mean. I still watch his films, because he does a good job. Do you see my point here? Edward Norton is notorious for this. I love Edward Norton's films. He knows his stuff, and you can see it. You don't have to be a jerk but some people need to do that to do what they do. It isn't right, and their work doesn't justify their actions but as a film lover what they leave behind is truly amazing. One performance that I wouldn't care at all who was mentally hurt by the actor would be Daniel Day Lewis in There Will Be Blood or Javier Bardem in No Country For Old Men. They didn't do that but if they did I wouldn't care because the performance is amazing.
The reason I was rude to you is because your argument is a little childish so I figured you just have a beef with this director. And you don't take into account how great his films actually are. After seeing your response now I understand your point of view. In the real world I hate bullies, and can't stand to be around em. I want you to think about one thing though. How can you really judge this director if you have never met him in person? You use the word allegedly too much. There are so many reasons why people could leave sets. At work there are many lazy people, and when under rough management they get tired and complain until they're fired or quit. Innaritu is really shooting for perfection. That's going to drive people nuts. But when you push people to the point where they're sick of you, you get their best performances. I'm not just talking about the actors either but the people on set too. A lot of them have work because of him.
If he's a rapist or a murderer, or if he's stealing money from his co-workers then I'd say forget about him. But if he's just tough I don't think that's reason enough to stop watching his films. I really like them.
