MovieChat Forums > Ricky Gervais Discussion > How long until the sexual assault allega...

How long until the sexual assault allegations emerge from nowhere?

"He groped me in 1983. Several other women have just remembered they were groped between 1983 and 1998. No, none of us were *able* to file police reports at the time, cuz... trauma 'n shit. And yes, our checks have cleared, if you must know."

Got to be soon, right? Between his final Globes hosting gig, and his Netflix specials, Gervais has emerged as pretty much the nemesis of the woke establishment. The MSM and a number of lefty pawn "entertainers" are going apeshit on the guy.


Ricky Gervais has been doing this type of stand-up and comedy for years dude


He's always been edgy, but he's ramped it up in the last few years. He's put the establishment, and their cherished causes, in his crosshairs. There's a big difference between making jokes about animals fucking to a small theatre audience in England, and directly telling Hollywood elites that they've enabled/participated in pedophilia.


Ricky Gervais has been a massive name in the UK and USA for 10-15 years dude.


The nemesis of the establishment? He's hosted the Golden Globes five times. He has a multi-million dollar contract with the largest streaming service in the market. He may have stolen his act, but he's not exactly Jerry Sadowitz.


I said since his final Globes appearance. The one were he directly ridiculed Hollywood as a whole. Keep up.

His Netflix deal was signed before that, and before taking on the trans agenda. Netflix neglected to promote the special he just released, but they won't drop the deal because he's too profitable.


I'm sure he's already prepared for this, but much like Elon Musk, he probably has enough "Fuck You $$$$" to not care.. Here.. This will make every Woke Liberal feel better watching this.. This man managed to dismantle Hollywood in just under 10 Minutes and it's awesome


Ricky Gervais has been an 'anti-woke' type comedian for decades. This is nothing new


He's still awesome though and so much, they couldn't even find a suitable replacement for host of the Golden Globes Awards for this year because of Hollywood was worried about having a Host who would offend them and it's true. They found the 1 guy who would agree to host who hardly anyone knows and this is what they want
