New California Governor
Bye Newsom
shareOne could hope, but there's way too many morons in CA..
sharehis ads are playing nonstop , he is gonna win
shareElder is a kewn. If he succeeds CA is doomed.
sharea coon?
shareBingo! In the sense that he actively works against black folks interests and hides behind "conservative values".
shareHow does he actively works against black folks interests?
shareFor one he opposes the ban of choke holds by law enforcement which have been disapportionately used against black and brown people. Now if a LEO is in an actual fight for their life any and all means to protect themselves would be viewed as justified but as a technique backed by policy choke holds have no place in law enforcement.
shareDo you know that black crime disproportionally affects black people??
Would you promote to ban black people because of that??? :P
You aren't telling me anything I don't know. Every respective ethnic group's crime disproportionately affects that ethnic group. Nice talking point though.
Even though you put a stick emoji after your asinine question it doesn't excuse its stupidity. A restraint technique isn't analogous to a group of people.
"You aren't telling me anything I don't know. Every respective ethnic group's crime disproportionately affects that ethnic group. Nice talking point though."
You know what i mean, it's not just the ingroup but the sheer numbers compared to other groups.
Blacks commit crimes at a disproportionate higher rate than any other group, and most of that crime is directed to black people.
Anything that disproportionately affects a group of people should be banned, right?
Lots of black folks have conservative values. A higher percentage of blacks attend church than whites. They aren't a monolith that all believe and do the exact same thing.
Is it a conservative value to believe black folks deserve harsher punishments, whether it be criminal or scholastically, for comparable deeds to other groups? Sambo Elders does. But hey, it's just his conservatism right?
shareI don't think i ever heard that viewpoint (which is obviously wrong). Care to exemplify?
shareYou should do some research on the person you may be defending(?). Sambo Elders holds that view and said it with a straight face. Also you're spouting falsities and I'm not engaging in your straw man argument.
shareWho the fuck did i defend??
I don't care about Newman or Elder, i just asked for clarifications and an example in which someone (whoever that was) said something that egregious.
And I don't see the strawman (are you just using that example because that's the only fallacy you happened to hear about?) when I'm merely asking you to provide an example to backup your claims.
Since you refuse to do so I can only assume that it's nothing but a false and unsubstantiated claim.
Thanks for your clarifying answer.
Mf there's something called Google, look it up. I cited the fallacy that applied. And this is a L. Elder discussion thread that may give your dumbass a clue as to who said it.
shareOk, i got it, you're just full of bullshit.
You cited a fallacy that applied to your fantasy.
"A straw man (sometimes written as strawman) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy of having the impression of refuting an argument, whereas the real subject of the argument was not addressed or refuted, but instead replaced with a false one.[1] One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man"."
I wasn't attacking your argument, i was asking for more information. Asking for more information not only is not a strawman but it's far from being a fallacy. But I guess since you cannot provide the information I asked for you would rather chicken out and call "foul".
Btw, about google:
"Burden of proof is a legal standard that requires parties to demonstrate that a claim is valid or invalid based on facts and evidence presented. Burden of proof is typically required of one party in a claim, and in many cases the party that is filing a claim is the party that must demonstrate that the claim is valid and carry the burden of proof."
Your logic is non-existent. Keep it up ;)
"Anything that disproportionately affects a group of people should be banned, right?"
This was your attempt at a fallacious argument. Posing it as a leading and implicating question doesn't change that fact.
Fine, you got me! I just fabricated whole cloth, statements that I attributed to Sambo Elders that are in no way documented in print or VIDEO anywhere.😒 You do know that all his dumbass and controversial views and statements have been played often recently during the run-up to recall, right?
No, i don't. I didn't follow the recall. I didn't care about it.
shareITT: Some people who probably voted for Newsom even though he made a dog's breakfast out of Frisco. And now seem ready to repeat the same.
shareI would vote for him if i could...
shareElder, a libertarian, believes that there shouldn’t be a minimum wage.
Elder has said that the Roe vs. Wade abortion rights decision should be overturned and let states set abortion restrictions. He called abortion murder.
With drought all over the western US Elder thinks we should be increasing fracking.
Elder disagrees with Newsom that CA should become carbon neutral sooner.
Elder opposes vaccine and mask mandates even though experience and data shows they control Covid. For example Florida's Ron DeSantis and his anti-vaccine and mask policies have given Florida today more cases than they a year ago in the middle of the worst of the pandemic.
Elder believes second hand tobacco smoke is not a problem.
Some personal incidents with Elder ...
Last week Elder’s former fiancée, Alexandra Datig, told Politico that during an argument in 2015, Elder waved a gun at her while he was high on cannabis.
The biggest screw up here is that if Newsom was on the second ballot he would wipe the floor with any of the Republican loonies. We have Republicans focusing their think-tanks on finding loopholes in government and inserting Republican loonies into them with the backing of anonymous money.
Fuck Newsom. Anybody would be better.
shareBesides the fact that Newsom is going to remain governor of CA, I conclude you hate democracy and America and our way of government. Admittedly, thanks to Republicans our government is not working very well, but you want to obstruct and then use that as a reason to tear down America and the American way. That is becoming more and more apparent to Americans and as it does the Republican party will just become another anti-American terrorist organization. The big difference is that Republicans are backed by people who think they have enough money to buy the system out and not have to use guns to take over the country.
shareExactly what anyone who supports the Publicans would say. They can float jerks like The Terminator and Mr You're Fired without an ounce of irony and claim to having an upper hand on governance.
good god, what a crap show this has become. (non-caps intentional)