Favorite Joel Edgerton Movie?
Huge fan of Joel's, so was wondering what your favorite film of his is so I can check it out if I haven't already.
Huge fan of Joel's, so was wondering what your favorite film of his is so I can check it out if I haven't already.
Seriously? Only 1 person cites Animal Kingdom? No one mentions Acolytes? WTF? His best 6, no particular order, imho: Zero Dark Thirty, Warrior, Animal Kingdom, Wish you Were Here, Felony, Perfectly cast in AK; heart of the gang/film. Best scene in ZDT: Edgerton & Pratt playing horseshoes/J. Chastain's epiphany that these guys she may get killed are a tribe. Single sexiest on-screen moment? Trying to seduce his preggers wife in WYWH-all in his voice & eyes...