yeah man she was fine 20 years ago. i remember being in the theater going to watch some other movie with a bunch of friends and we walked past the lizzie maguire movie poster, and i can still see her fine pose against a white background, leaning over if i recall, in a tight dress i think. i went DAMN LOOK AT THAT FINE PIECE OF ASS and my friends said 'dude, she's fourteen!' and i said well, shit, she LOOKS 28 and hot as hell in that pic.
this is my memory of her in her heyday. then a few years later the movie came on starz and i watched it and yeah she looked good but she was a kid in it, but i remember her sister was fine as hell too, even more than hillary imo. come to think of it that may have been a different movie, the one where they played sisters.
yeah man, she was hot. i second the request for a nude scene