I agree. Why would you tape these events? To show the world you are stupid, walking around naked and stoned dreaming up your "porn star" name. Come on, why waste the memory space, and tape something that could someday bite you on the ass. I made a sexy tape for my girl when I was 21 and it came back to bite me in the ass big time.
Well, someday is here and this couples 15 minutes just might be over. I see a B-movie future for Mcsteamy, wifey is already there and has been for awhile. Wasn't she in Urban Legend? The nudity and the did-they-or-didn't-they-3-way may not a big career issue but IMO drug use is very different story. Especially since the Mrs. had another photo published a couple years ago looking very high and holding a crack pipe. If it looks duck.....
My girlfriend has her friends over all the time but they don't get high and naked. I have yet to walk in and serve tea in the nude, either. Their behavior was really bizarre, even for stoners.
Worst yet, what kind of ethical statement does it make? Drugs and alcohol are par for the course as well as a little three way action. Interesting, since two of those three are married. So much for monogamy in marriage and value of being faithful. I guess it doesn't count if both partners participate in the sex.
The whole three-way thing. I know every guy jokes around about it being his dream but few would actually do it. IMO it is downright disrespectful to your wife, girlfriend whatever, even if she is involved. Especially in a marriage? That committment has to mean something or why do it? If you want to *beep* other people don't get married. I'm very open sexually but a 3-way is a line I wouldn't cross. I find it hard to believe that jealousy wouldn't come into play at some point, and that is a relationship killer.
It just goes to show that these people are no where worthy of the fan "worship" they receive. The whole "fan" thing is something I do NOT understand at all. Yes, there are TV shows and movies that I enjoy but that is about as far as it goes for me. For example, I think Semla Hayek is about as hot as it gets. Just saw FDTD on showtime or some movie channel the other day with her super-sexy dance. However, I wouldn't walk across the street to meet her. These wierdo's that collect photos and articles, write fan mail, etc., are plain off their rocker as far as I'm concerned.
Where does this beauty queen fit in the picture? She was kind of attractive but that illusion was shattered as soon as she opened her mouth.(Can you say dumber than a box of rocks?) Does anyone really know exactly how this tape hit the airways? Some one had to shop it around, who was it? How did they get tape to begin with? The pieces of this puzzle just don't fit together at this point. That part of the story does hold some interest for me.
"Some day men will look back and say I gave birth to the 20th Century...JTR"