MovieChat Forums > Daniel Craig Discussion > Daniel Craig Reveals His Children Won't ...

Daniel Craig Reveals His Children Won't Inherit His Fortune


interesting ....

i like this bit
"They don't sit with us in first class," he added. "They haven't worked anywhere near hard enough to afford that. At that age, at that size, you're telling me they need to sit in first class? No, they do not. We're really strict on that."

Does anyone need to sit in first class? given that it costs like 10 times the normal price .
(and is even less "green" given the extra space and resources used up)
I couldnt justify that no matter how rich i was


I believe that quote is from fellow blonde Brit who also doesn't want to pass his inheritance down, Gordon Ramsay. Not Craig.


If you travel a lot, and your travel is a business expense that is a simple write off for the company, who cares? Given that some are 'working' while travelling, being cramped in economy with annoying people would be hard.


I thought he'd be like Bill Gates and say " well , ill leave them a million or two , but im giving the rest away"

but DC is going hardcore - 25% deposit on a flat and thats it!



That was Gordon Ramsay who said that. I dont think what he said is even possible though. If the next of kin are left less than they desire they can legally contest the will and the courts are usually sympathetic. The only way to get what he wants is to give away most of his net worth while he is still alive but most people dont risk doing that.



Rich Commies want everyone but themselves to be poor.

Sick disease.
