jail the traitor



Worse, he's an a-hole.


he's both



a violent uprising against an authority or government.

Where was the violence? No one died. They may have been guilty of trespassing, but they weren't charged. You can spout off Tucker Carlson bullshit, but if you seriously believe this, no wonder the world is doomed.


All just deflection to try and hide the insurrection that took place. This was at a Congressional office, which they had been invited and interviewed numerous people not at Congress where a mob tried to stop the certified election from taking place.


I know what it is. I stand by my statement that this is why our world is doomed.

Critical thinking skills are sadly lacking.


This country definitely is trending very badly, I have hope the rest of the world isn't nearly as worse off.


I don't think that it's specific to the US. I'm not American, and while it's not quite to the same degree, we don't have the same 24 national news coverage here in Canada like you do there, but we have a lot of people who watch Fox and a lot who watch CNN who I don't think can tell the difference between an opinion piece and a factual news story. It is tough when most news is presented with an opinion attached, but we, as a society, don't seem to know how to figure out which is which anymore.


What happens when you go too far anywhere it tends to create a backlash of the opposite fringe. Creating insanity on both ends of the spectrum leads to eventual ruin of a nation. Maybe this is what humanity is in general and why nations keep on falling and new ones arise. Guess it's China's turn now.


Keep in mind that some commentators like Tucker Carlson are being tongue-in-cheek when they call Colbert's thing an insurrection. They're joking.


Sure they are, that's why several Boomers at my bar this weekend were talking about it and what Tucker said. He can say he was joking, but when it's presented as fact to his base they don't see it as anything else.


The only person who died on 1/6 was an unarmed veteran who was shot dead by Capitol Police. What Colbert did was very much an insurrection, those staffers were in there specifically to harass GOP congressmen. But what can I expect from the cult who has ordered hits on Justice Kavanaugh and Barrett and then ignored it.


Harassment is not an insurrection.


It very much is an insurrection, they were trying to intimidate them into voting the way they wanted them to, they very much did try to take over the government. This along with the hits Diaper Joe put out on our Supreme Court in a fair justice system would be enough to impeach the motherfucker.



1. characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.

2. based on or having faulty judgment; mistaken.


It is congress’s duty to impeach Diaper Joe who has on multiple occasions tried to overthrow our democracy. I know you are better than this, you need to join me in calling for Diaper Joe’s impeachment, history will judge you based on what you do now.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who calls you on your bullshit. I get so sick of seeing your garbage posted everywhere. The hellish childhood you must have experienced to become such an abomination is beyond imagining. I hope your parents are in prison for crimes against decent humanity and rational thought.


I am just calling it like it is as fair and impartial observer. You however are a radical cultist who will never turn against your cult leader Diaper Joe no matter what evil atrocities he commits. You need help. You’re on the wrong side of history.


Most liberals don’t really like Biden, but we know he’s leagues ahead of Trump and his cult. Notice how you don’t see people decorating their homes, yards or selves with Biden gear two years after the election like you do with the right wing Trump cult.


Not even close, while I agree things did go South the last couple of months due to Covid, we were doing very well under President Trump despite the fact that the DemoKKKrat cult was doing everything in their power to sabotage his presidency and in essence sabotage the American People. They are a bunch of sick and disturbed individuals.

Diaper Joe is a failure in all senses: The border is out of control, crime in libtard run cities is out of control, inflation is through the roof, interests rates are through the roof, the stock market is crashing, gas prices are at record high levels, we left thousands of Americans to die at the mercy of the Taliban and Putin has invaded Ukraine all under his watch. Not to mention he put a hit out on Justice Kavanaugh and was responsible for 574 violent BLM insurrections during Summer 2020.

So decorating your house with signs means you’re part of a cult? Ummmmm you do realize that people wore Barack Obama shirts all throughout his presidency.

You’re on the wrong side of history, you have a chance to do the right thing by joining me and asking Congress to impeach the motherfucker, history will judge you based on what you do right now. I have a feeling though that you are too devoted to your cult to stand on principle.


I can tell how woefully uninformed you are by saying Putin invaded Ukraine under his watch. Or that the stock market is higher than it ever was under Trump.


Putin didn’t step out of line when Trump was president, he waited until Diaper Joe got in

And the stock market crashed in 2020 because the Demokkkrats insisted we shut down the economy. It bounced back and then crashed once again due to Diaper Joes failed economic policies. It’s now worse than it was during Covid and there’s no one to blame but your cult leaders


No it’s not, the Dow Jones, S&P 500 and NASDAQ are all still higher than December of 2020 and still higher than anytime Trump was in office.

Border patrol recently had more arrests than ever.

Interest rates in the United States averaged 5.44 percent from 1971 until 2022, reaching an all time high of 20 percent in March of 1980 and a record low of 0.25 percent in December of 2008.
They currently sit at 6% so they aren’t “through the roof”

Crime has been falling for decades.



Yeah you selectively cherry-picked the two stocks that just happen to support your false premise. The stock market has crashed under Diaper Joe. My stock has gone down 33% and I have lost 15,000 under Diaper Joe. When the stock market crashed under Trump it wasn’t his fault because libtards insisted we shut the economy down, nor was Covid President Trumps fault. We are heading towards a recession and what’s infuriating is that all of this was preventable, all Diaper Joe has to do is go back to the Trump policies that were working but he won’t because he doesn’t want to make enemies with his cult.

Illegal border crossings are at an all time high. They were never this high under Trump and Diaper Joe is actively aiding and abetting which is treason. This is impeachable but because of liberal privilege the son of a bitch won’t have to pay for his crimes.

When Diaper Joe took office interests rates were below 3%, now they are coming up on 6%. People are now going to be paying an additional $400 per month in interest.

Crime is going up in libtard run cities like Chicago and it’s all because they decided to defund the police. The DemoKKKrats are literally playing politics with people’s lives. Even far left CBS is agreeing that crime is out of control: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/crime-chaos-downtown-keeping-tourists-away-from-chicago/

You need to quit getting your information from fake news.


How were Colbert’s staff trying to take over the government?


They intended to harass GOP congressmen and impede the democratic process. It very much was an attempted government takeover and an insurrection


What process did they impede? Was a vote in session? What congressmen did they harass? How is it harassment if a congressman agreed to an interview? Were they even in the Capitol building? Were they even on the same floor as members of Congress at the time of the arrest? Did Congress people flee the building as a result? Were they displaying nooses, breaking down doors, calling for the death of the VP and Nancy Pelosi? Was anyone at the building physically or emotionally harmed?


Whether they were successful or not is irrelevant, they invaded the Capitol with the intention of impeding the democratic process and the Demokkkrats aided and abetted. This is nothing new, your cult leader Diaper Joe has already ordered hits on the Supreme Court and incited 574 violent insurrections during summer 2020


You’re deranged and facts don’t matter to you. The false equivalence of comparing a comedian and a camera crew making jokes in a hallway to hundreds of people breaking into a building and demanding that Pence and Pelosi be killed is asinine. I’m no longer going to argue with you, you’re incapable of objectivity, immune to facts, hyperbolic and devoid of reasoning.


It is not a false equivalence at all, it is literally the same thing. The crowd didn’t demand Pence and Pelosi be killed like the pro-choice terrorists tried to kill Justice Kavanaugh, it was mostly peaceful, a few people broke things but that’s about it, however Diaper Joe did literally order a hit on Justice Kavanaugh. You are spreading lies and false information. Stephen Colbert’s staff illegally entered the Capitol with the intention of disrupting the democratic process which is a coup by your standard. You can’t have it both ways, if 1/6 was an insurrection then so was this incident along with the 574 violent BLM riots that Diaper Joe and the DemoKKKrats incited. Let me break this down for you in the simplest way possible:

- The 574 BLM riots of Summer 2020 = Insurrection
- 1/6 = A couple of mostly peaceful protestors trespassing into a building, sure it wasn’t appropriate behavior and it was moronic, but mostly harmless. The only person who died was an unarmed protestor.
- Diaper Joe ordering a hit on Justice Kavanaugh = Insurrection
- Stephen Colbert’s staff invading the Capitol = Insurrection

The problem your cult has is you have been bitching and moaning nonstop for 18 months about Incident #2 while ignoring the threats of Incidents 1,3,4. You aren’t objective, you aren’t impartial, you are a brainwashed far left cultist. You are willing to connect the dots in whatever direction you need to to justify your lies and false narratives, it is logically fallacious.

EDIT: In case you care (which I’m sure you don’t), during the Summer 2020 BLM riots a group of far left radicals attempted to storm the White House and murder President Trump, but as always your cult just ignores it because it would make you people look bad. Your morals and standards fluctuate based on what’s best for you politically, all they cared about was some thug who they turned into a martyr. Forget about 1/6, it’s a nonissue, aside from your cult no one cares about it. Your cult leaders are failing and there will be consequences.






Black cop killing a unarmed white woman...a hate crime.


I wonder if the people saying these things have even seen the video of the rioters breaking into the capital building, violently. Comparing that to a trespassing case like this is madness.


At the very worst they shoved cops out of the way and broke a few things. That’s not being violent unlike the BLM riots where city’s were torched, rocks were thrown at cops and dozens of people murdered


He is, and there needs to be a serious investigation into Adam Schiff who aided and abetted this threat to our democracy.

The DemoKKKrats have lost whatever legitimacy they ever once had, it is beyond obvious they don’t give a rats ass about our democracy or our institutions. All they care about is advancing their lies and radical agendas and staying in power. It’s disgusting.


What would be sadder?

That you are stupid enough to not see the difference between this and Jan 6?
That you do, but think you are making some clever point pretending they are the same?

I'm not sure. You're stupid either way, but not sure which would be more pathetic.


The only difference is in one case it is politically advantageous for the DemoKKKrats to bitch nonstop about it for 18 months, in the other case it is politically advantageous for the DemoKKKrats to sweep it under the rug.


So you're claiming that, in your case, it's that you are actually that stupid.

No reason to doubt you, I suppose.


Not at all, just calling you out for your own double standards and your cults role in an attempted insurrection. Not to mention both Schumer and Diaper Joe took out hits on Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett, heck even Justice Barrett’s children are being harassed by far left radicals. Your cult is the very definition of evil and if you had any sense of integrity you would join me in calling for Diaper Joe to be impeached and prosecuted.

You and your cult have boxed yourselves into a corner, you can’t bitch and moan for a year and a half about people trespassing into the Capitol while ignoring this.


Okay, okay. You have convinced me. You really are a complete and total moron.

Well done. You win.


You convinced me long ago that you are a far left, brainwashed cultist.

Well done. You win.

I guess you aren’t going to stand with me on the right side of history, I did give you a chance however.


FYI: If you think I’m being rude or something keep in mind I am only treating you the way your cult treats anyone who disagrees with them. The fact of the matter is it isn’t possible to not be rude to you people. You aren’t worthy of respect, although you always have a chance to earn it and admit that you’re wrong.


Derp derp.


I accept your concession.


I would hate to think what sort of group of people would accept you as one of their own.
Other than rumpites. They are the sort who enjoy such depraved disregard for anything approximating the truth, while promoting the most vile, obscene and absurd scenarios that would make Kim Jong-un hesitate.


The type of people who would accept me as one of their own? Rational, objective, patriotic Americans

You need to be re-educated, you have been brainwashed by the far left cult and now you have no sense of morals or basic human decency. I know I’m being tough on you but the thing is you aren’t worthy of common respect like civilized people are.

Your cult leader Diaper Joe is drowning big time, do the right thing, call on Congress to impeach him and then throw him in jail for the rest of his miserable life. The man raped his daughter for crying out loud and ruined her life.


Oh there are plenty of cult members who accept him, because he does what he good little cult bitches do- only "thinK' what he's allowed. Like any good little cultist would.

You notice he's even pulling the 'call everyone else a cult member' schtick? Because that's the first trick of cults. When you want some idiot to swallow any nonsense you feed them, you tell them that even other piece of info is false and everyone else in the world is brainwashed. That's the way you get nimrods like his clown o believe whatever you tell them.

He's a perfect mindless little cult member. Sadly, there are plenty of them. So he has lots of friends.


He's a good man.


It's hilarious just how desperate you cons are!


Desperate? By calling out an insurrection in our capitol? Stephen Colbert attempted to overthrow the government and our democracy. The literal purpose of invading the capitol was to harass GOP congressmen and disrupt the democratic process. I thought you people hated “insurrections”? I guess that only applies to when the right does it. Out of the over 500 insurrections that have happened in the past 2 years you people only care about the one that you can exploit for cheap political points. You aren’t legitimate, your cult isn’t legitimate, it’s fake moral outrage and it’s disgusting. Stephen Colbert along with everyone he voted for should be investigated, this is the worst thing to happen to our country since the Civil War along with Diaper Joe calling out a hit on Justices Barrett and Kavanaugh.


Stephen Colbert for president 2024
Bill Maher running mate.


See what I mean? 😉
