Forty years ago, the world lost this gem of a human…July 16, 1981. He was just 38.
Unquestionably my all time favorite live performer. His interaction with his audience was…well, hard to describe because it was just…natural. Every one there, especially those in what Harry called “the cheap seats”, adored him. Saw him about 6 times or so. Miss him and his shows dearly.


Back in 1977 I was sent by my college to an entertainment convention in San Antonio, and one of the speakers there was Harry Chapin. (Not singing, just talking.)

One of the things he talked about was how it takes most people 3 days to get used to a new situation, good or bad. He emphasized the point by saying you work hard all of your life to achieve your goals, and when you finally do, it's only a 3-day orgasm.

He was very personable, and I was sad to hear about his death a few years later.

It's funny how his song Cat's in the Cradle affected me over the years. When I was young, I heard it from the perspective of the son, feeling indignation over how he was treated by his father. Then later, when I had two boys of my own, it made me feel guilty, wondering if I'd spent enough time with them as the grew.
