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Louis C.K.’s Leaked Stand-Up Jokes About Parkland Shooting Survivors Prompt Outrage From Students & Parent

The new Lenny Bruce. Video embedded.

In a stand-up set that leaked online, disgraced comedian Louie C.K. delivered an extended riff about 20-somethings that included jabs at the survivors of the Parkland High School shooting and those who identify as gender non-binary.

The 50-minute set drew steady laughter — a fact that also did not go unnoticed by the Twitterverse. At one point, though, one audience member appears to have given the comedian a disapproving look during a segue from one dicey routine to another. “What’re you, gonna take away my birthday?” he responded. “My life is over, I don’t give a s–t. You can, you can be offended, it’s okay. You can get mad at me.”


If he's not careful, they'll throw him under the bus and call him alt-right.


They're already doing that. The alt-right label at this point is pretty meaningless. It will be swapped out soon enough.


It was a great set.


It was. I hate to admit it, but Louis CK may just save this country!


Can't believe he did jokes about "non binary" people and Parkland survivors getting so much TV time. Sacred cows.

He's got guts. Whatever you think of his comedy.


I hope he doesn't give up (he seems like the kind who won't, which is good news).


The twitter twits have outdone themselves this time. They've proven they have no sense of humor, especially about themselves. I really don't like Louis CK, but he aimed right at the Ain't It Great to Be a Victim? crowd and scored direct hit after hit and they know it. It's like the NPC meme again -- when they are the target of jokes, they show their true, fascist colors, and attempt to destroy the messenger. They're really the most awful human beings since the authors of the Spanish Inquisition.


These guys should've been standing up to these lynch mobs all along, instead of cowering to them. I understand why they do it, of course, but the worst thing you can do is treat ridiculous ideas with respect, as it gives the false impression that those ideas are actually deserving of it. It's kind of reminiscent to when I'd hear Richard Dawkins refuse to debate creationists, simply because he didn't want to inadvertently give the wrong idea that there was actually a debate to be had, or that these two opposing sides were somehow equal in the weight their evidence. As well-intentioned as it may be, behavior like this isn't deserving of anything but ridicule. If you continue to make a mockery of it, it will stop seeming like such an appealing bandwagon for others to hop on.


Still a cuck


Yep, once ya make fun of them you're automatically the enemy, considered alt-right, and to top it off, privileged if you're white.


I heard that and damn, it was funny! Gender oddballs with delusions of importance and that pompous little twit going around aggrandizing himself with gun speeches need to be laughed at.


Not a matter of politics, just stupid and insensitive.
