MovieChat Forums > Matt Bomer Discussion > Emmy winner Jeff Tambor on trans films

Emmy winner Jeff Tambor on trans films

Jeff Tambor of Transparent keeps getting nominated and winning Emmys for portraying a transgender female. He made a point of saying he hopes he's the last male doing this.
He knows 'Anything'is in the can but has joined Jen and Jill on the "only a trans can play a trans character. When did acting and getting an award for acting become so pc? If a film can't be sold to the investors based on the star quality hired, what is really going to become of Hollywood?
Will Matt only be allowed to play gay roles?
No one seems to have the fortitude to call a spade a spade
Look at the show "I am Cait". Gone after 2 years from lack of interest, bad producing or both.
I will see anything Matt is in because he's a good actor. He just also happens to be a decent human being. And his fans don't care that he's gay.
So why all the vitriol and why is no one in Hollywood standing behind.Mark Ruffalo's roght to produce and Matt's right to act in something controversial.
I didn't see the gay community up in arms with the casting in Brokeback Mountain.
Is this just women and trans women being petty and greedy?
I don?t want this controversy hurting Matt's career.


It's hard to gauge how this issue will affect Matt. I don't think Jen, and her group will let it go, it seems to be mainly a self promotional gambit for them. Despite reeking of desperation and hypocrisy, it has traction because it's tied to a legitmate concern for more access and representation. I think if Matt continues to find work and turn in good performances, especially in quality projects like TLT it will be harder for the Academy or powers that be to openly take aim at him. Sad but true, all of this revolves around money and Matt and Mark bring more to the table than certainly Jen or even a Laverne Cox. Don't know what the ratings are for Transparent, but it will be interesting to see how they compare to the TLT. Here's hoping Matt blows Tambor out of the water on Amazon, with his ratings.
