Sorry, I wasn't trying to be cryptic. It's all the plastic for the millions of bottles used worldwide every day. A few years back the stats were 1,500 plastic bottles used per second in the US, I'm not aware of the latest number. When you consider the amount of people who still don't recycle and the plastic accumulated in the ocean already that's the size of Rhode Island...
We use reusable water bottles, have purchased a few for each family member over the years. We're fortunate enough that we have good water in our home so we just fill our bottles straight from the tap and take enough reusables with us for the day. Even people whose water doesn't taste the best could get a filter for their tap. I know there are millions of people who legitimately rely on disposable bottled water but that's not the case for so many who use that as a excuse.
Besides all of that, people don't seem to be aware that there are no regulations on the water that companies put into the bottles. The bottles themselves are regulated, but not the water - it could be toilet water and you'd never know. There are some brands who go the extra mile to be sure there water is extra good - Smart Water is one of them - but many do not.
omg, I'm sorry for the soapbox!