MovieChat Forums > Sarah Bolger Discussion > Sarah Bolger: Mary Tudor and beyond

Sarah Bolger: Mary Tudor and beyond

The Tudors has now come and gone by the time I leave this post, but I would say that Sarah Bolger as Mary was one of my favorite parts of the brilliant show... so much so that I had hoped they would spin off the show and continue Mary and Elizabeth's story (keeping Sarah Bolger in the role of course)... I would have so watched that. I wish her well and hope she has a very successful career after Tudors.

Dr. Gaius Baltar: [shouting] No more Mr. Nice Gaius!

I should add that someone needs to update her pictures on IMDB... all that are up there are pictures of her as a child actress... there should at least be some pictures from The Tudors up there...


I agree



She was wonderful in the Tudors, I was impressed by her beauty and her acting skills. The only other work I saw from her was when she was a child in In America, I still consider that performance to be one of the best by a child in recent years.

Don't make me laugh, your kung fu is so so.


She was great in the Tudors, and it was a very difficult role considering that Mary was a very obnoxious religious fanatic, a prudish woman full of all kinds of tabooes and a mass murderer, far from a likable character. (I just hope she is nothing like that in real life, that would be disappointing!)

However, I do not think it would have been idea to have a 20 year old actress still playing Mary after the Tudors (it was not accurate as it is in the last 2 seasons).

The real Mary was about 37 years old when she became queen, and very far in looks to the gorgeous Sarah Bolger (in fact, the exact opposite of her).

Christianity's GREATEST ally and BEST friend throughout history is Satan


A big ?? to the above reply.

“One girl’s fears in the night are another girl’s paradise…”


Many historians founnd her as a good woman.
Zero Proud.
Even when they were executions and burnings in her short reign, the number per year is almost the same (if not fewer) than her gradpa, dad. bro and sis.

Black Swan, Darren, Portman, Eisenberg, Biutiful


Actually she was famous for being particularly cruel, she had countless people burnt in the bonfire under her rule, which ultimately earned her extremely popular nickname: Bloody Mary.

Christianity's GREATEST ally and BEST friend throughout history is Satan


The fact is that many historical people were brutal, they each had their own religious zeal, or conniving ways, Mary, Elizabeth, Edward, Henry VIII, Philip II, Charles V of the holy roman empire. It all depends on the version you read, the facts are there, she did burn people, her brother and sister did execute people, her father was a glorified monarch whom we can agree or disagree strengthen the monarchy and centralized power, brutish, cruelly but he was a man and he was not Catholic and he needed to stop the abuses of power of the Catholic church and to leave a strong legacy for future male monarchs, preferably heirs of his. He is excused his reasons are as historians would argue well based and the nicknames in history are nothing but propaganda (at times -so you wont get technical with me) if we were to apply bloody to people who burned, execute people in bonfires and "rightfully" convicted of treason, well we would have to call then almost every politician in the world bloody including our present ones, and presidents but their hands are washed. History is made by popular current, by the winners and I am not about to get into a discussion because when it comes to history and politics, both linked together, you can never reach an opinion but its a great subject to discuss however I will grant you that Lord Gyaldhart, I don't have the time right now though your opinion, I don't agree but I think is great that people are still interested in history and I respect it dude, what I will agree with everyone though is Sarah Bolger was a great Mary Tudor, she did portray her good, not so much in the second season, but in the third and fourth season it was great seeing how her beliefs fanatically strengthened because of the other zeal others saw her as a threat, and she was because she was koa's daughter and a real danger, in season 4, we see the transformation from the typical story girl wants to do good, blah blah, and seeing the world is no fairy tale, and that everyone knows her to be wrong, she starts becoming darker, deranged, I mean in the LAST episodes of season 4 I WAS BLOWN AWAY on how scary she was becoming, and her portrayal as this woman who should have given up since the start and be like everyone else, learn the game instead of being stubborn self, was amazing. I WAS AMAZED how she and Tamzin were both young but how they made Sarah look OLDER and you could see the bags under her eyes the lines, they did a good make up job with her, and I suspect it was her doing as well with those expression of gaunt, staunchly, she is a good actress ...

however .... I have not seen her or most of the Tudor actors and actresses since then in major projects and I think is due to the fact that some people get used to identify people in certain roles, remember Mark Hamill he is still Luke Skywalker for many. Though I know Natalia Dormer will have a part in game of thrones (which is now best series ever).
And I just seen the star meter for Sarah's latest role of Moth diaries, it seems like the movie REALLY flopped ... so it seems that while she has good talent, it is not being used in good roles, but who knows what the future will bring for her.

take care everyone


Hmm, very interesting read, MexicanLady, particularly the second half of your post re Bolger's acting chops. I haven't watched Tudors, yet. I just came to this board out of curiosity, having seen her in OUaT. Reading your post has told me these things, if what you say is true:

1) I *really* need to see Tudors.

2) Bolger's talent is being criminally wasted by the writers of OUaT who are so far merely suborning her to a side-kick of Mulan; hopefully she will be allowed to do more than act as a Focus for Mulan as the series progresses.
