MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > What will happen to the MovieChat trolls...

What will happen to the MovieChat trolls when Biden loses the election in a landslide?

Anybody with a bit of brains already knows that Biden will LOSE BIG.

Anybody on MC knows that there is a chunk of annoying trolls here that keep posting a bunch of lies, ass kissing their president with Parkinson's disease.

What will happen to these misguided idiots after this November?
*Delete their account?
*Leave the country? (Go back to Communist China?)
*Kill themselves?


They'll lie low for awhile until something happens to cause them to resurface


He ain't losing. That's why they brought all the unknown number of illegals over. So they can cook them books hard!


You are correct about why the border was wide open:

The House of Representatives is preparing legislation to require proof of citizenship to be able to vote. Opposition by Biden and the Democrat-controlled Senate proves their dishonesty and corruption.


Elon Musk broke down on X today exactly how they'll do it. Easy Peasy.


I think it's great to see how trump trolls have so little brain and imagination that they have to rip off their opponents copying my exact same post.

I would respond: *Make USA Great Again!
But I am not as lame as you.


Blame the Russians.


I will do the same thing I did in 2016 if Trump wins in 2024. I will accept his win then bitch about it for 4 years.


Who are these imaginary "annoying trolls here … ass kissing their president"? I only know of one poster supporting Biden.

Only a complete retard doesn't realize the majority of trolls here are deranged Trump supporters!


They will be on here! Aladdin will create a debt crisis of epic portions forcing the country to descend on the WH and Trump. It will be bloody.
The Dems will win as we will beg to have them back.

