MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > After much thought, I think that Biden s...

After much thought, I think that Biden should step down

Fuck this country. For Biden to have to stand there while that fat orange lying asshole Trump insult him, lie to the American public and then the flash poll side with Trump is just not worth it.

The Democratic Party needs to back another candidate.


You should listen to this:
Al Franken podcast with Norm Ornstein.

These guys are both ( agree or disagree, like or dislike ) politically smart and have a good conversation.

Ornstein says that Biden BEFORE 4th OF JULY, should have a spot on 60 Minutes, do a Town Hall, do an in-depth interview with I think it was NBC that be brushed off - and then see where the chips fall.

If he cannot fix it or rise to the occasion, then it gets really nasty, because an open convention is a mess. AND, who else can they pick to replace him but Kamala Harris - who is really disliked and not competent to be President. If they pass over Kamala it will lose a lot of minority voters, and she has not done well on any of her portfolio assignments.


And as always, when things don't go your way Tina, you take your ball and run home and much like any liberal, you scream Trump lies and can't list one fucking thing the man supposedly lies about that Joe Biden doesn't lie 10 times more during that debate!!


We will see how you feel if Trump gets elected and ruins this country.

Me and other Americans want to save this country from Donald Trump, that liar, thief and convicted felon . If you think an old man like Joe Biden is worse than a 34 time convicted felon, thief and liar is more competent as President of the US then you my friend have serious issues with your ethics and morals.


Boy ever since Trump gave Biden a shellacking, the defense now is Biden was caught off guard with Trump's lies.. What lies exactly?? What?? That he claimed Biden was the worst President ever and is responsible for the immigration problem thanks to opening the Border wide open for any and or all possible Terrorist's to enter the U.S, many of which have 0 desire to register?? That lie?? Or is it how Biden claims to have created more jobs than any President without taking into consideration the amount of people layed off and never called back?? That lie?? 🤔


Those were personal attacks that had absolutely nothing to do with the questions asked by the moderators.

The border is shut down now and arrested have decline.

But you and Trumpsters along with the Republicans ignore that fact though. Probably because you wouldn't have anything to complain about and scare the American public.

There's no data that suggests Joe Biden is the worst president in history. You asked for a lie from Trump. Well there you have it.


Oh! Did you need to think a lot to get to that conclusion, huh? You must be a genius

You think the worst thing was that Trump "insult" him? Not the fact that he is obviously no in condition to run a country and haven't been for a while now, and now is obvious beyond discussion he is not the person who is running that country, who is making the decisions Obama, Clinton, Harris, a group of unelected people? What happened in that debate is clear evidence that a big crime has being committed whoever is taking the decisions have usurped the presidency of that nation and is using a mentally incapable old person as a proxy, the guy need people around him everywhere so he doesn't start to wandering FFS, he has been like that for years now

But what pissed you off is that Trump was a rude and the media dint support Biden, never crossed your mind other more important and worst implications, well Americans have their priorities clear

Anyway this is the Internet is impossible to know what is real and is just parody but if you're serious that is just another evidence of why that country is becoming a mad house


No, none of those hateful thoughts about Biden occurred to me because I am not a total heartless individual like you. What else do you want me to say?
