MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > A fantastic President! He has it all...

A fantastic President! He has it all...

Integrity, intelligence, commanding presence.

He is everything that the fat orange one never could be...a worthy successor to JFK and a healthy antithesis to morally bankrupt racists and blinded bigots.

A true American hero.


Do anyone actually regard him as fantastic ? He is a joke. The harm he has done to America is irreparable.


"Integrity, intelligence, commanding presence."

You're joking, right? Because nobody could make that statement with a straight face. Biden has none of those characteristics, and never did, even before he was senile.


Biden lacks the commanding presence, but he also lacks the insulting snark Trump displays most of the time when he makes his condescending speeches. While Biden mumbles, Trump snarkily reminds us of how much better he thinks he is than Americans.


