Defying God.

For student loan forgiveness, you tell those federal judges that they're defying God in Deuteronomy 15.

When God says to cancel a debt after 7 years, you cancel a debt of over 7 years.

I hope the good judges get it right.


Money is their god.


Thats the Law of Moses and doesnt apply.


Didn't the Law of Moses establish judges and the courts?

Wouldn't withholding debt forgiveness be in violation of my constitutional rights as a Christian??


He's not forgiving debt. He tried to force people to pay others' debts. That's not Christian.


What is the purpose in keeping people indebted for over 20 years? Oppression is evil.


No one put a gun to their heads forcing them to take out a loan for a useless degree. It took me ten years to pay off my student loan. Big deal. I never expected anyone else to pay it. A tyrant attempting to force tax payers to bail out sluggards just to get votes is evil.


It took you ten years to pay it off, some would call YOU a sluggard. Or we could be compassionate and realize that it's not like credit card debt, you were trying to better yourself and the world by going to college.


Yes it did.

Probably not. You might be able to make a case to the Supreme Court if you were Muslim.


You haven't even read Deuteronomy 15, have you?

It will make much more sense then.


Thats for the Israelites and doesn't apply to Gentiles. You have to follow the entire Law of Moses then, you cant just pick and choose what you think is best. Thats just how it works.


Like the census?


The Census?


In this case, "forgiving" debt doesn't mean it just magically goes away. It means that the debt still exists, but the responsibility for paying it is transferred to other people who didn't ask for the loans, sign for them, or benefit from them.


Kinda like what government does to us, huh? I'm expected to pay on the national debt with my taxes. Let's just say my school loans are covered. Now at least everything is fair.


No, Jesus said "render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.”

Unless you're Jewish, Deuteronomy does not apply to government loans.


When God says to cancel a debt after 7 years, you cancel a debt of over 7 years.

You mean I didnt have to pay my mortgage back ?


I'm sure your good deeds will get you an eternal mansion. :)
