MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Thank you Joe! 4 more years!

Thank you Joe! 4 more years!

The only question is what should we do with the Chump Fascists?

a. deport them
b. imprison them for life and mail them skirts.
c. Make them read MC comments.


#FJB is a mush mouthed diaper sitting fool. He didn't win shit, he was given the presidency.


He won't survive the first 4 years!


losing Virginia, and a close race in NJ is only the beginning of the Dem downfall.


Indeed, thank you Joe.

From my NYT newsletter:

"Good morning. Republicans had a very good election night."

"Democrats had a rough election night. They lost the governor’s race in Virginia, a state Joe Biden won by 10 percentage points only a year ago. In New Jersey, which Biden won by 16 points, the governor’s election is too close to call.

"They have two basic options. The first is for congressional Democrats to try to distance themselves from Biden and drop his legislative agenda. The second is for the party to decide that its best chance at political recovery involves passing that agenda — which is still broadly popular, polls show.

It is hard to see how Democrats would benefit from the first option. But it’s not clear whether they remain unified enough to pull off the second."


I admit a lot of Biden's vote was an anti-former guy vote. But yes, the 2nd options is the way to win in '22 and '24! By the way, Murphy won in NJ, but yes, it was close.


NJ lost several seats, I read. Still a great day for the GOP.


The fact that you stand behind Biden is proof you're an abject moron. No one with any intelligence, regardless of party thinks he's fit to be president. Much less doing a good job. He's a laughing stock and an embarrassment.


Biden is a hero and the former guy is and evil disgrace. Fixed it for ya!


Thank you for proving my point.


It's funny how your words are exactly what Democrats used to say about Trump. Only difference is, they were right.


Well aren't you a brainwashed pawn!


Leave them in peace. Nature burdened them enough.


Done and done!


A trucker just beat a 20 yr establishment Dem in NJ, which is a huge win for the GOP. Mid-terms will be a bloodbath.


It won't help the country when there is division. Best have all Democratic or all Republican government. China does not sleep.


Oh, I agree, but that's the way it probably gonna be for quite a while. I don't know what or who the answer is, another JFK maybe?
