MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > What are your favorite sound bites from ...

What are your favorite sound bites from the Biden "Presidency"?

1. "MY BUTT'S BEEN WIPED!" Shouted by Joe on camera at an airport when he saw people he assumed were there to clean his soiled rectum.

2. The immortal "Come on, man!" Biden's sure-fire answer for everything, guaranteed to thwart all skepticism! (NOT!)

3. "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANKS! LET'S GO! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" Always shouted at the top of their lungs by Biden's handlers to drown out reporters and prevent them from interacting with Joe after every public appearance he makes.

The Corn Pop speech and the Hairy Legs speech would have been included, but they occurred before he was "elected".


C'mon man is def at the top and wipe my butt is my #2 pick.

rub my hairy legs is just an all time classic, it never goes out of style.


God! How can I forget the butt wipe thing? Gotta edit the list! Thanks!


I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite but his vaccine speech showed his true colors. It’s was completely insane and should be frightening to everyone. No sane person would make that speech. After that the butt wipe bite was embarrassing.


Will you just shut up, Man!

Is the best one


"wipe my butt"

- dementia Joe, 2021


Him telling a guy in a wheelchair to stand up is a classic.


Biden did not say “my butt’s been wiped” when responding a question from a reporter about immigration. A slowed down version of the footage suggests he said, “What must be what?”

Why don't you fact check anything?


“What must be what?”

that makes even less sense, who says that? thats not even a common phrase.


He was asking for clarification on a question.


no one says “What must be what?”

he actually said with a smile that “my butt’s been wiped”, prob a inside joke.




I find it interesting that dems are suddenly against fake news. this is what Trump had to deal with for 4 years.


I dont know what to make of that statement
it makes less than zero sense

"fake news" isnt a thing , so the Dems cant be for or against it .
"fake news" is a bullshit made up phrase , made up by trump as an infantile response to when the papers called him out on the other total horse shit constantly streaming from his mouth.

I'm struggling to see how that fits into the current conversation
apart from its more republcan bullshit being fact checked


Fact Check the things that Trump claimed in those 4 years. He lied MOST of the time.


they havent done many checks on dementia Joe, even though he is a liar.

Vote for me and I will give everyone $2000, lie
No American will be left behind in Afghanistan, lie

more lies...

dementia Joe told us that the surging number of migrants we were witnessing at our country’s southern border was nothing out of the ordinary. It was way out of the ordinary

dementia Joe told us that he “wouldn’t demand that [COVID vaccines] be mandatory.” That was before he thought they should be mandatory.

dementia Joe assured us that if we were vaccinated, the chances were near zero that we would get sick enough to have to be hospitalized. Then he said the unvaccinated are a danger to those of us who have been vaccinated. This raises a question: “Huh?”

That’s just a sampling of dementia Joes misinformation.

There’s a price to pay for dishonesty and dementia Joe is paying it. His poll numbers are down. Some leaders around the world surely have lost trust in what he says. His dishonesty threatens to harm America’s credibility around the world.

Rub my hairy legs, the truth...


"Why don't you fact check anything?"

they are not interested in facts


The thing is, there is NO WAY to determine that he actually said "What must be what?" It certainly SOUNDS more like "My butt's been wiped!" "What must be what?" is only the Left's interpretation and nothing more. It's like a little kid claiming he actually said "Go pluck your elf."


So fact checking sites are ‘left’ to you? Lol


LOL! You think the "fact checkers" are neutral? All they "check" is to make sure that the statement conforms to the approved Leftist narrative or they label it false. "Fact checking" sites didn't even exist until recently when the Left started them to doctor the facts the way they want them.

Are you really that naive? Can I interest you in some nice beachfront property I own near Phoenix, AZ?


Of course, every thing that disagrees with you is leftist.


Yabba dabba do.
