MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > Why should any of us bother with his man...

Why should any of us bother with his mandates?

Fuck this senile old bastard

Edit - Biden to mandate all US employers with 100+ employees to vaccinate in entirety


whats he pushing now, is he mad that people are going back to their normal lives?



wow, I would rather go into another shutdown, then be forced to get something I dont want. Tyranny is on its way...its a good thing we still have our guns for now unlike Australia.

The president is also expected to address vaccine requirements for public-sector employees. The administration has made it mandatory for federal workers to attest to being vaccinated or be subject to stringent mitigation requirements. Similarly, all nursing homes have been directed to vaccinate their staff in order to continue receiving Medicare and Medicaid funds.

sounds like blackmail to me...


Sounds like they are trying to put an end to a deadly virus to me.


A virus so deadly nurses have time to make shitty tictoc videos. Good thing we didn't have internet during the Spanish Flu


Oh of course it’s a worldwide hoax, we know this because some nurses made videos, what incredible logic.


Didn't say it was a hoax, if you could read you'd know I said it's not as deadly as you claim seeing as how it has a 99.98% survival rate. Keeping being a scared little pussy


I'm not scared, you don't have to be afraid when you are educated. You come off terrified though.


LOL yeah I'm so terrified I don't wear a mask and I'm not getting the probably wear your mask alone in the car don't you pussy?

Project harder


Calling a girl a pussy says so much about you. You are so scared that the government is trying to kill you.


If the pussy hat fits and in your case it does. You wearing your mask now aren't you LOL



Cute. I definitely protect myself and others from sickness and death, I'm so weak for caring.


You're weak for being a gullible boot licker who believes the government cares about you


The government certainly cares about tax payers. You don't have to be gullible when you have knowledge to back up with.


There it is. The government only wants your money to give to free loaders and illegals of which I'm guessing you're the former

Get a job you bum


The government wants my money to keep rich people rich, you actually believe that the fat cats want my money to give it away? You call ME gullible? Jesus Christ.


Welfare? Money for illegals comes from where? Money to help single mothers (WIC)? Food stamps? "Free school lunch"?

You really are stupid


That money is a small portion of the money collected from tax payers and I'd much rather my taxes go to filling a poor kids stomach rather than the pocket of professional liars and thieves.


LOL you leftists are the biggest liars and thieves around look at you Potatus..50 years in Politics and enriched himself like the crook he is. That goes double for your Clintons', Your Pelosi and yes , since you're an establishment boot licker, your Bushs'


I know that they are all liars and thieves, it doesn't matter what the political party.


And YOU support them so STFU


I support science.


Do you though?

Are you aware that tobacco kills a LOT more people than corona, annually?

Last I checked I can buy tobacco in stores, if you want to protect you and others how do you allow that shit to be sold?? How come you don't ask Biden to mandate the ban of tobacco???

Are you aware that annually obesity kills more people than corona? In addition are you aware that approx 80% of the corona deaths have obesity and overweight as comorbidities??

Why aren't you out protesting against obesity and asking Biden to enforce anti-obesity mandates???


They are trying to enslave us, which is basically the same. I am sorry you can't see it.


We already ARE slaves to the government. Do you think that the vaccine is some kind of brain control?


Yeah, it is a kind of brainwashing. And it OBVIOUSLY works ... look at you.


Nope, to me it sounds like there are TONS of money involved.

Let's not forget that no one says anything about the ones that had corona and now have natural immunity, they have to vaccinate. Which is stupid and anti science.

To me that is the sign that all this mess is just politics and money, nothing about "public safety" and limiting the spread.

Let's not forget that now they push for a 3rd shot in USA where the vaccination rate is over 70% but don't give a shit about the countries that cannot afford the vaccine and have around 5-6% vaccination rates. So no, the target is NOT "limit the spread" but maximize the profits ...


What do you know about science? The antibodies that the body makes after surviving a virus don’t last forever, that’s what science tells us. Let me ask you, how would you know if these vaccinations were indeed for public health? Would the makers of the vaccine not be making money off of it?


Natural immunity lasts far longer than your bullshit vaxx and that's a fact


We don't have nearly enough data at this point to determine something like that, which you would know if you were educated even to a fifth grade science level.


You were saying?


Have you ever learned the difference between opinion and fact?


Let me guess a fact is anything you agree with right? Idiot


A fact doesn't care whether or not you agree with it.


An you've yet to show a fact congrats


You've made it clear that you don't trust scientist so what could I possibly show you?


Says the one ignoring scientist she doesn't like


Do you not understand why its important to have peer reviewed science?


Oh sure as long as those peers agree with your side right? And as long as they go along with the narrative and the people paying them Fuck outta here


I could say the same thing about you, the fact that you don't realize that shows how perceptive you are.


Except you're the one Trusting the government, not searching for the truth, like a good little shitlib


You didn't even read the article you sent to me which states: "Dr. William Hanage, an associate professor of epidemiology at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, said that it is “impossible” to know whether the COVID vaccine or natural immunity is more protective against the virus due to the lack of knowledge regarding the level of protection natural immunity gives a person over time."


"Makary said data from Israel revealed that natural immunity appears to be 6.7x more effective than being vaccinated when it comes to fighting off COVID-19."

Second paragraph


So, again, you agree with the opinion of one scientist who agrees with your opinion. Most of the scientific community knows that it doesn’t have enough data to make a claim like that.


That opinion is based on actual studies, you moron ...


By one person.


A study by one person?

Are you that dense? Really?

If you talk about one person's opinion I can bring a LOT more opinions, from doctors and specialists.


Do you call this opinion?



Thanks for sharing this information. I’ll look it over.

You would be a whole lot more credible without the abuse at the end of everything you say, it makes you come off very insecure.


And you come off very arrogant and ignorant at the same time. you just talk without data and spew ideology. And when i started to present data you just brushed it off.

And that's very annoying when the argument is about data, facts, studies. So maybe it's not me that's insecure, maybe it's you that's asking for it ...

One guy that you lefties hate said something interesting at some point: "Assume that the one you talk with might know a bit more than you".


I’m not even a lefty, I’m an independent. I don’t HAVE ideology to ‘spew’ You certainly aren’t taking your own advice. Intelligent people don’t use abusive language, it defeats the purpose of saying anything because I can’t take anyone who acts like that seriously, it’s childish.


And in case you miss it:

"Conclusions: This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity."


What do I know about the science? Apparently more than the scientists, lol.

The antibodies don't last for ever, that's true. They don't last for ever in the case of vaccines either.

But is the first time when they focus on antibodies exclusively and say nothing about the role of B and T cells in producing those antibodies. And how fast those antibodies are produces again when the body needs them to fight off the disease if re-infected.

But as I said - this is the FIRST time when they forgot about those cells ... and I wonder why ...

"Let me ask you, how would you know if these vaccinations were indeed for public health? Would the makers of the vaccine not be making money off of it?"

If these vaccinations were made ONLY for public health and to stop the spread of the virus they would have:

1. Acknowledge natural immunity.
2. Give ONE dose to as many people as possible that don't have natural immunity so everyone has some protection. (can be staggered based on risk groups)
2. Give the second dose of the vaccine to as many people as possible that don't have natural immunity (again can be staggered based on risk groups)

But we have countries with 80% full vaccinated people (of course rich countries that can afford to pay and are even mandating the 3rd dose - again, because they can pay) and poor countries with 6%. How is that to serve "the public health"???

And we have the push to have people with natural immunity to be fully vaccinated. Illogical but brings a lot of money. Imagine 80 million people NOT getting 3 doses, 30$ per dose. Those are literally billions of dollars lost.



Of 'course' you know more than the scientists. . .


>Of 'course' your know more than the scientists

Of course YOU don't know proper English


I made an obvious typo, every single text back to me from you is personal attacks. It makes you look insecure. You can't have a conversation with someone without calling them stupid, dumb, weak, idiot, bum, pussy, etc. It doesn't make you look very confident.


Sarcasm is not your strong language either, eh?


You ignored everything asom said. Typical leftist.


if they were serious, then they wouldnt allow 100,000 fans at a football game. everything is back open and back to normal. again if the dementia Joe administration was serious, we would go back into a full lockdown like last year. but they (gov) dont want to pay people to sit at home anymore, sadly its cheaper for them (gov) just to allow people to die. (Fight Club sub plot) forcing to people to get vaccinated is not the solution, and now they are saying that a 4th booster shot is needed, was the previous 3 not affective? whats going to be the long term side effects of 4 mRNA shots?

maybe the dems shouldnt have worked with China to develop this virus, it worked to get Trump out of office but now its deadlier than they thought, actions have consequences...

and now the virus has mutated again into the Mu strain. is the original vaccine effective against this?

dems want to pass another 3.5t in spending, certainly we could use some of that money to afford another long term shutdown.

dems just passed a 1 trillion bill just a month ago. where did that money go?

what about the 1.9t signed in March by dementia Joe, where did that money go?

what about the 2.2t that was passed last year, where did that money go?

then there was that other 1 trillion last December, where did that money go?

whats your solution to end this Global pandemic?


A virus with a 99.92% survival rate which most people who contract it, don't even know they have it. Some fucking deadly virus.


One in 500 people in the U.S. has died from COVID. To try to trivialize it and say it’s nothing, it doesn’t matter, Is just a gross mischaracterization of what we are all living through.

Your statistic ignores the fact that many people who survive COVID-19 have long-term symptoms, and that people who survive it can spread the disease to high risk patients who will not be as lucky.


You are underestimating the ratio a bit, but close. A few things

1) The first and most relevant point, you are including data for the alpha variant, which was much more virulent than Delta and any future variants (Viruses tend to get less virulent but more contagious as they evolve). We are dealing with the current mortality rate, which is much lower than in the past.
(the rest of my points will address the alpha variant.)
2) A great number of those cases recorded people who had Covid, but did not specifically die from it (this was done for political purposes)
3) In Ohio (see linked graph below), over half of the deaths were among those 85 and over. Most of those were in nursing homes, had comorbities, and were at the end of their life regardless of Covid. It isn't a disease that impacts the young or even middle aged to a great extent (in fact, there is research that shows the vaccine may be more dangerous for young males than the virus itself). What made the Spanish Flu such a horror was it did target the young over the old.

4) the mandate does not acknowle natural immunity from having Covid previously, which includes about half of the "unvaxxed" and includes me and my wife. Mainstream media won't tell you this, but natural immunity is far superior to any protection the vaccine can provide. A recent study out of Israel demonstrated that fully vaxxed individuals were 13 times more likely to become reinfected than those with natural immunity, are 28 times more likely to develop severe symptoms than those with natural immunity and are 8x more likely to die (see link below). Why should anyone with better protection than a vaccine could ever provide be forced to take a vaccine that has serious risks in its own right?


The Gateway Pundit isn't giving you the full story friend,


The whole truth comes from politifact? Funded by Facebook...


No it's NOT funded by Facebook. It's Pulitzer Prize-winning and it was actually started by Florida Republicans.

It's a whole Hell of a lot better than the Gateway Pundit for Fux sake.

Which is a far-right fake news website. The website known for publishing Lies, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.


"Organizations that contributed more than 5 percent of total PolitiFact revenues in the previous calendar year will be listed here:
• Facebook
• TikTok"


So you're not going to post what it says leading up to that? "PolitiFact also receives compensation for selling its content to media publishers and companies"
Facebook had to pay Politifact to use their research. Facebook as nothing to do with the content and isn't funding the sight, it's paying for it's use. Do you get what that means?


if they were serious, then they wouldnt allow 100,000 fans at a football game. everything is back open and back to normal. again if the dementia Joe administration was serious, we would go back into a full lockdown like last year. but they (gov) dont want to pay people to sit at home anymore, sadly its cheaper for them (gov) just to allow people to die. (Fight Club sub plot) forcing to people to get vaccinated is not the solution, and now they are saying that a 4th booster shot is needed, was the previous 3 not affective? whats going to be the long term side effects of 4 mRNA shots?

maybe the dems shouldnt have worked with China to develop this virus, it worked to get Trump out of office but now its deadlier than they thought, actions have consequences...

and now the virus has mutated again into the Mu strain. is the original vaccine effective against this?

dems want to pass another 3.5t in spending, certainly we could use some of that money to afford another long term shutdown.

dems just passed a 1 trillion bill just a month ago. where did that money go?

what about the 1.9t signed in March by dementia Joe, where did that money go?

what about the 2.2t that was passed last year, where did that money go?

then there was that other 1 trillion last December, where did that money go?


Yeah, like I am going to trust the anthropology majors from bottom tier universities that work at Politifact to accurately interpret medical research.


Lol, that's so political and anti-science that it stinks. Let's get the 2 "limitations":

1. "only one vaccine was tested" - yes, the vaccine that had, according to the previous studies, the highest rate of protection.

2. "and that other studies have found that COVID-19 poses much greater danger to people who have not been vaccinated." - mixing unvaccinated with natural immunity. Really? This is so stupid that it stinks, as I said.

3. "the headline leaves the impression that it’s safer to get COVID-19 and hope to recover than to try to avoid it by getting vaccinated." again this stupid conclusion that ALL leftists and those that regurgitate stupidity brings up without anyone saying this. No, NO ONE EVER says that "it's safer to get covid" - only idiots can understand this and the ones that find nothing else to complain about.


This reminds me of a scene in "Bananas" when the Latin American dictator mandates that from now on all citizens will wear their underpants on the outside of their regular pants, instead of under them. The audience laughs because it's clear he's demented. Why is Biden taken seriously and allowed to continue?


Maybe, just maybe 🤔 you are the one who shouldn’t be taken seriously and allowed to continue.


Keep on obeying the Senile One, like a good sheep.


You sound scared.


Keep licking those boots authoritarian shitlib


No one should listen to you bootlicker. You want to live under tyranny, move your ass to North Korea, China, or Cuba. Plenty of dictators out that that will happily strip away your freedoms and crush you underfoot. No need to try and drag the rest of us down into that cesspit.


I don't believe you have a single operational brain cell at work, pigfucker hick.


I have a Ph.D. from a tier I research institution, and I work as a professional researcher. You are a fucking imbecile that just blindly does what supposed authority figures tell him to, even if it isn't in his best interest. Hence the slur "bootlicker".

If we lived in 1930s Germany, you would have been one of the "good" Nazis. The brownshirts would have lined the rest of us up against a wall for challenging Hitler.


We shouldn't. This was just to change the narrative away from Afghanistan.


And blame the pandemic on unvaxxed people


BINGO!!! Anyone who doesn't see this is either a liar or an abject moron.


It seems perfectly clear that if the vaccine is working, those who are not vaccinated, and especially the millions upon millions who have natural immunity and are COVID free, are not imposing a cost on the vaccinated. As a matter of fact, it now appears those fully vaccinated and have been re-infected and carrying a viral load, are in fact spreading the virus and causing a cost by spreading it.

So why force those who are not a threat to get the vaccine?


Cause its all about compliance and taking liberty not about this flu


The courts will likely strike down what he thinks he can mandate.


wow you mention "man dates" and also wanting to fuck an old man, disgusting



Apparently the Post Office union is exempt from any mandate because of their Biden Endorsement. Are they not even trying to hide their corruption?


They are not exempt.

They are not federal workers but they have more than 100 employee.

The article had been updated.
