MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > dementia Joe plays golf while Americans ...

dementia Joe plays golf while Americans are dying.

Watch Joe Biden Get “Confused” After His Golf Ball Goes the Wrong Way

Last month we ran a story about Joe Biden being “dazed and confused” on the golf course.

It turns out our report proved to be true. Yesterday, Biden attempted to golf in Delaware, and this time there was video evidence.


He is amazing and his handicap is astonishing. This man will be president for 8 year and make America Great again!
Hes thinking about Israel & George Floyd when Teeing off.


Haha of course!


You don't get to talk about golf after Trump, the Golfing President extraordinaire.


dementia Joe playing Golf is funny though, he has no idea whats going on.


Wow! Are they seriously trying to drag Biden for hitting a shitty golf shit and being confused on how he fucked up that badly?

I hate to burst your bubble, but there isn't a golfer alive who hasn't hit a god awful shot or had that WTF look on their faces! I probably do that 5 times a round.

Wondering where your ball went is not a sign of dementia, its a sign your an average golfer.


He's the GOAT.


He likes alpacas.
