Bumbling Biden makes more gaffes
Joe could fuck up a wet dream. 😲
You sapsuckers are just trying to overcompensate for Trump's covfefe's. LOL Trump didn't even know what the Pearl Harbor attacks were before he visited Pearl Harbor.
Joe is a great president.
Why do you immature people always have to play "tit for tat?" This has nothing to do with Trump. He's gone.
Anyone who says he can't see Joe's cognitive decline is simply lying, in denial, and marching in lockstep with the Liberal Cult. 🙄
You're so utterly full of it.
Ask yourself the same question because that's all you're doing. It has everything to do with Trump. The only reason you're bugging on illegitimately about Biden (besides being paid to) was because people LEGITIMATELY were criticizing Trump and they damn well should have.
You're only making comments about Joe's mentality because most people questioned Trump's sanity. You're really as insane as him. And what's more a cult is something that believes in grand conspiracy theories, is secretive, plans for armageddon and stockpiles weapons, that would be conservatives.
Hahahahahahaha!!!!! You're really something!!!!
shareAnd you are a moron, marching in lockstep with the socialist regime.
Biden isn't in charge; it's Pelosi, Kamala, and Suck Chumer. 😁
Spot on, TriumphReq! Trumpers need to trash Biden because they need to compensate for the complete failure the past 4 years have been. Nobody makes more gaffs than "cofeve" Trump, yet they try to hide the fact the man actually stared into the sun at an eclipse and suggested shooting bleach up people's arms. They need to invent some kind of conspiracy because they don't want to believe that Trump cheated in 2016 and tried his best to cheat in 20202, too - when that didn't work he sent his dumb followers to storm the Capitol, only to throw them under the bus afterwards. I swear, Tumpers are dumb as a rock and it's so well illustrated in reading the dumb shit they post on sites like this.
shareTrump is gone, and you people are still ANGRY. It's some kind of pathology. 🙄
Still? The fucker fucked up the whole world and you wanna forgive him after 2 months? Pathetic!
shareYou're completely out of you mind. Record low unemployment including the lowest rate among minorities EVER, an unprecedented middle east peace deal, low gas prices, energy independence, a more secure border (look at the surge now!) a robust economy, reigning in of China (which even the Democrats are lauding and keeping his policies in place). Yeah, he was a disaster... SMH.
shareHaha, what Republican drivel you are spouting. Right wing talking points, besides truth an honor. Record low unemployment? Oh you mean the trend Obama set and Trump took over? Which didn't even matter because he fucked up the pandemic soo much the country is in utter peril. How dense do you have to be to just ignore 2020 and praise a false god? Seriously, as much as we hated the past year, there is no way of just ignoring it! 400.000 dead under Trump, an economy in shambles, the environment destroyed and corruption at the top of the GOP. And you dare to give Trump praise!
shareDude, just because you copy and paste your lies don't make them true. Trump fucked up everything and your willful ignorance of his utter failure is proof of systemic corruption in conservatives' minds and your total lack of reality. Your understanding of the world is so warped out of balance you must be feeling light headed all the time. Poor you...
shareLies? Wow! you're in complete denial. Like I said , you're blinded and brainwashed. Do some honest research. You'll gain some understanding.
P.S. I didn't copy/paste anything.
Are you telling me Trump and his party did not constantly lie for the past 4 years? And you accuse other of being brainwashed? How dumb are you? Or are you just a troll trying to get people riled up, because soo much stupidity is gonna mess with any reader of your posts?
shareThey all lie, asswipe. Name one who doesn't.
shareAnother MORON heard from. 🙄 I think you like being angry; it takes your mind off of Biden's Blunders.
Stop insulting Rocks that way.
shareI voted for Joe for the reason that if elected, then the progressives would be in charge and Biden would be an empty suit. And that is exactly what is happening. A huge win for us progressives and America will be better in the long run because of it
shareYou are completely unhinged. Ask your imaginary professor.
America will be better in the long run because of it
millsey72 is a Poe
shareThe pipeline was shut down to make America more green energy efficient and to save the planet from extinction
The borders are open as this will make America more progressive in the long run. Unless you can think of another way to make America more progressive
You realize Trump is out of office and has been for some time now. You can't keep blaming the big orange bogie man for all the problem anymore. Now with the Dem in completely control every thing that goes wrong will be the fault of the democrats with way to blame anyone else... especially the orange devil.
Pedo-Joe is an idiot and everyone knows it. I suspect he doesn't every sleep anymore because he knows if he does he is unlikely to wake up.
Yeah he's been out for about gee 7 weeks now after being impeached a second time and inciting a riot. What are you trying to control speech again? We can keep blaming him for the next 20 years for the damage he's done to our country. If someone lit a match 10 years ago and burned your house down is there some reason you couldn't keep blaming them?
Again this "pedo" crap is just happening because Trump was a well known pedophile. He raped 13 year old girls and was on Jeffery Epstein's short list. He's good friends with the child sex trafficker Ghislaine Maxwell. Are you saying that because Trump hasn't been making a mess of things for 7 weeks that he can't go down now for child sex trafficking? His legal troubles are just beginning.
Oh you poor ignorant cunt. You continually assume I'm a Trump supporter, I'm not. He is an idiot...though I did enjoy watching him fart around doing nothing for 4 years because it upset so many liberal idiots.
But if you want to do all this blame them after the fact, then that must mean that Trump is responsible for the vaccines that are being rolled out now, after all he was the one that pushed the pharmaceutical companies to move as fast as they did. So remember Pedo-Joe didn't do anything except try and steal credit for something he didn't do.
And I call him Pedo-Joe because of all the videos of him groping little girls. While Trump may be as pervy as Pedo-Joe I haven't seen any videos of Trump trying to grab little girls.
These morons credit Obama, years after he left office, for what Trump actually accomplished, and they will credit Biden for years after Trump is out of office for what Trump actually accomplished (if there's anything left of it Biden hasn't destroyed). If they can't lie their way out of admitting something is wrong while Biden is president, they'll lie and blame it on Trump. Expecting a leftist to respond to reason is like expecting a dead person to respond to medication.
shareTrump reportedly doesn't know what happened at Pearl Harbor
Let me do my best woke tosser impression, ahem -
LOL sweety don't you have any real sources? You're just posting propaganda from a far left source, fake news, also you're racist and sexist and transphobic.