MovieChat Forums > Joe Biden Discussion > His order to allow trans women into wome...

His order to allow trans women into women's sports and bathrooms is misogynistic.

Very detrimental and discriminatory to actual women. Yet Crazy Biden doesn't cares as long as he can virtue signal to the woke brigade. Women are being dehumanized by this trans agenda and this muppet is supporting it.




He is so clueless. He signs these EOs and then fumbles his way trying to explain them. He is not in charge. Harris seems more in charge. Notice how she is rarely more than a few feet away from him.


He is a puppet... and that is scary.

Say what you want about Donald T, but no one was telling him what to do


He doesn't know what the fuck he is signing. They put an EO in front of him and tell him to sign, and he signs.


What I really don't understand is why he deemed this so important as to do it by EO right off the bat. Surely this is something that needs to find it's way through congress etc. I mean, it's not like he's reversing some mad thing Trump did. He's abusing his power to just completely fuck over women. It's so odd and reeks of someone whispering in his ear, telling him what to do to try and score points with the freaks on Twitter.

Complete dictator move.


What are you talking about? He is already on pace to become the greatest US president ever.


you are a trans huh?


No but trans lives matter! You sound like a bigot and racist


You sound like a like a low IQ retard.

greatest US president ever.....LOL


He will be! Just ask the lamestream media!!


I just told my college professor what you just called me. Take that!


oh shit... forgot it was you

hard to keep track off who is just sarcastic and who's the real fucking sjw nutjobs


Joe Biden is a bigot, and a racist.


that might be, but he is also a very loving man.

"Biden touching compilation"

And he has a great way with words

"Joe Biden greatest hits Compilation"



he is also a very loving man

He loves black people so much he authored a bill that put two generations of black men in jail for being black!

Very loving indeed.


Trans people make up 0.4% of the population. There more people in New Jersey. Why should i give a shit about 0.4% of the population. At least gays have at least 4 percentage points. And there not trying to ruin Sports for biological females. You know people who born with real vaginas. Not the store bought kind. That if they even bother to chop it off.


I don't have answers for you. I was just repeating what my college professor told me


LMAO, is your sky purple?


Not only that but with the bathroom law the rational is that the trans individual feels uncomfortable being in the mens room, well having them in the women's room makes everyone else uncomfortable.


Just think, fake woman will be cleaning up the cash in woman sports events. Can't wait to hear the crying.


they are already beating the women who train incredibly hard but just can’t compete with a man due to biological differences.

mediocre men who suck in their own division go trans and then raise to the too of the women’s division


Exactly. Lets be inclusive to the minorty while excluding the majority.


Gotta love how catering to the 0.01% infringes upon the other 99.99%'s.

Protected classes, and rights need to be very limited.


I can't wait until all the winners on the girls team all have a set of balls and a shaft. Real Life is becoming more of a freak show.
